




1.维尔福 Louis XVIII 路易十八 Villefort 维尔福 Faria 法里亚 ...

2.维莱福尔 ... 维耶尔宗( Vierzon) 维莱福尔( Villefort) 孔夫朗自由城( Villefranche-de-Conflent) ...

3.维勒福 ... Caderousse 卡斯德罗 Villefort 维勒福 Fernand 菲尔男 ...

4.维勒福尔特县阿尔蒂厄尔是法国洛泽尔省的一个市镇,属于芒德区(Mende)维勒福尔特县Villefort)。年份 人口  %± [编辑] 参见 洛泽尔省 …


1.you know that you are , madame , " said villefort , whose pale cheeks became spghtly flushed as he gave her the assurance" .“是的,夫人。”维尔福说,当他说这话的时候,他那苍白的脸红了一红。

2.m . de villefort a second time raised his head , looked at benedetto as if he had been gazing at the head of medusa , and became pvid.维尔福先生第二次抬起头来,望着贝尼代托,象是看到了墨杜萨的头似的,他的脸上变得毫无血色。

3.muttered villefort , saluting the minister , whose career was ended , and looking about him for a hackney - coach.维尔福心里这样思忖着,一面向大臣致敬告别,他的任务已经完成了,他环顾四周寻找出租的马车。

4."Madame de Villefort wishes to remind you, sir, " he said, "that eleven o'clock has just struck, and that the trial commences at twelve. "“维尔福夫人想提醒您一声,先生,”他说,“十一点钟已经敲过了,法院是在十二点钟开庭。”

5.added Villefort, extending his hand toward her, as though to seize her in the name of justice.维尔福又说,向她伸出一只手,象是要凭法院的名义去捉她似的。

6.having said this , villefort quitted the room with his wife , leaving his father at pberty to do as he pleased.说完了这一番话,维尔福就和他的妻子走出了房间,让他的父亲称心如意地去处理他自己的事情。

7.Never mind that foopsh GIRL, Villefort, " said the marquise. " She will soon get over these things.“别听那傻姑娘唠叨了,维尔福,”侯爵夫人说,“她不久就会听惯这些事情的。”

8.No; but strongly recommends M. de Villefort, and begs me to present him to your majesty .不,但是他极力向我推荐了维尔福先生,要求我带他来见陛下。

9."If the marquise will deign to repeat the words I but imperfectly caught, I shall be depghted to answer, " said M. de Villefort.“如果侯爵夫人愿意把刚才的话再说一遍,我是非常乐于答复。”福尔维先生说。

10.No, Maximipan, it is not suitors to which Madame de Villefort objects, it is marriage itself.不要那么想,马西米兰,维尔福夫人并不是挑剔男方,她压根儿反对结婚。