


美式发音: [ˈdʒimeɪl] 英式发音: [ɡ'meɪl]





n.1.a free web-based email service provided by Google

1.邮件Orz往常拍完照片后就能直接发送给朋友,现在却不能了邮箱可以正常使用,如 …

2.谷歌邮箱IS 陈述:“金先生为避免调查机构的侦察,使用境外邮件服务Gmail),并以其父母的名字开设帐号,且收发邮件后立即删 …

5.信箱信箱GMail):如果有什麽话想跟狐狸说,又怕留言被看到会害羞(?)的读者们可以善用信箱喔~ 看完这篇文章的读者也会 …

6.电邮企业版电邮 (Gmail) - 方便易用的电邮系统,可设定IMAP或POP电邮於Outlook及智能电话上。日历 (Calendar) - 时间管理好帮 …


1.If you or someone you know is looking to make the switch to Gmail, check the pst of supported email hosts and give it a go.如果您或者您认识的人正好需要把邮箱迁移到GMail,先查阅一下支持的email主机服务列表,然后赶紧试试吧!

2.But to the naked eye, Firefox looks just as smooth when zooming in and out of Google Maps or opening e-mails in Gmail.然而据肉眼观察,当在谷歌地图中放大和缩小页面,或者在Gmail中打开电子邮件时,火狐表现得与Chrome一样平滑。

3.It did not say how it would bill for the calls or whether consumers would be able to use Gmail for making calls from their cellphones.该公司没有说明将如何下电话账单,还有消费者怎样使用他们的Gmail打手机。

4.While our initial focus was on internal usage, it soon became clear we had something of value for the whole world.尽管我们做Gmail的初衷是内部使用,但很快我们就意识到,这东西有拿出来秀秀的价值。

5.Gmail wasn't the first Ajax website, but it was one of the first to prove it could work on a mass scale.Gmail并不是第一个运用Ajax技术的网站,但绝对是第一个证明该技术可以投入大规模运用的网站。

6.However, for the last couple of months, I've gradually moved information over to Gmail, which comes with a powerful address book of its own.但是最近几个月,我已经逐渐将信息转移到Gmail,Gmail自带了一个强大的地址簿。

7.But it emphasized that the password thefts were not the result of a general security problem with Gmail.但是他还强调密码窃贼并不是Gmail通常安全问题的结果。

8.Gmail also showed how much you could do with web-based software, if you took advantage of what later came to be called "Ajax. "Gmail同时也告诉我们,一旦对我们现在称之为「AJAX」的那个东西善加利用,线上软件可以有多大的潜力。

9.How much effort do you put into improving Gmail's speed and performance?在改善Gmail速度和性能方面你们做了多少努力?

10.At the time, Google said it bepeved that the attackers were trying to access the Gmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists.谷歌当时称,攻击者试图进入中国人权活动者的Gmail帐户。