




1.去玩吧 1.Feel free( 感受自由,随自己意愿做事) 3.Go play( 去玩吧) 4.I can play( 我可以) ...

2.留白就是要爱走跳派对 SPACE开学点名了 大学的派对达人 年经不留白就是要爱走跳(GO PLAY) ★★★凡是跟台北市信义区space夜店【公关经 …

3.趣玩桌游吧 「Nokia:Go Play」 展中所发表的五款手机当中,便有三款是属於 「GO PLAY精神打造,新一代的 「GO PLAY」 全球 …

5.生活影音数位通生活影音数位通(Go Play)


1.We did that for a while, then took a break to go play on the swings which is always fun in the snow, then we went back to sledding again.我们玩了一会儿“滑雪梯”后休息了一下,接着又去坐了好玩的雪地秋千,然后又去画雪橇。

2.Then you get to the point where you reapze, "What the f*ck am I doing? " and you turn off the computer to go play with your kids.当你达到你意识到“他妈的,我现在干的是什么呀”的时候时,关掉电脑,去和你的孩子们一起玩耍。

3.Years later, Lelouch is in high school, but regularly skips out of school to go play chess and gamble on himself.年后的今天,路许是一位高中生,但经常跳过辍学去下棋和赌。

4.I used to go play basketball with some of my friends every Saturday afternoon.以前我和一些朋友每星期六下午都去打篮球。

5.If you're girlfriend breaks up with you, it's not a good idea to get drunk and go play a show.如果你的女朋友和你分手了,最好不要选择在酒吧买醉演出。

6."I'm going to go play cards with Lizzy! " she said.“我和黎姿打牌去了!”她说。

7.If you think you might want to take up piano again, instead of "thinking about it, " just go play one within 48 hours, and see how it feels.比方说,当你想要重新拾起荒废已久的钢琴时,不要多想,去在48小时内找一架来弹吧,看看到底感觉怎么样。

8.Molly : Forget about him, let's go play with the copy machine.莫莉:别提他了,咱们去玩复印机吧。

9.You have to go play and play well, even if you know how they play.就算是你了解他们的打法,也必须要去拼,而且要打好。

10.He thought back how he used to go play in the park as a child.他回想起他小时候去公园玩的情景。