


美式发音: ['moʊtsɑrt] 英式发音: ['məʊtsɑ:t]

na.Wolfgang Amadeus 莫扎特



na.1.Wolfgang Amadeus 莫扎特

1.莫扎特psh For...)下一篇文章:高中英语作文:莫扎特的简介(Mozart)

6.莫劄特 A.Rubinstein[ 俄]安东·鲁宾斯坦 W.A.Mozart[ 奥]莫扎特 Ignace J.Paderewski[ 波]帕德雷夫斯基 ...

8.交响曲 ... 莫扎特 mozart 交响曲 mozart ...


1.My horse and I graciously stood in the garden very early for preparation, calmly waiting for the sounding of Mozart's music.我和马儿很早就优雅地站在花园里准备,从容地等待莫扎特的音乐响起。

2.Log in as the user to which the new style was assigned, and check that the site looks pke the default Mozart style site.以用户身份登录到指定的新样式,然后查看网站是否像默认的Mozart样式网站。

3.She honestly claims the sky is bluer. Mozart moves her to tears. She has lost 15 pounds and looks pke a cover girl.她坦诚地说爱情让她的天空更蓝了,使她被莫扎特感到得落泪,她已经少了15磅的体重,看起来漂亮的像个封面女郎。

4.I've always been a great lover of Mozart, a great, great admirer of this composer.我一直都非常热爱莫扎特,我是这位作曲家的一个非常、非常的崇拜者。

5.Composers such as Mozart were spiritually inspired, which is why he often awoke from his sleep with a composition already in his head.莫扎特等人精神振奋,这就是为什么他经常从他与他的头部已经睡觉醒来组成作曲家。

6.Vienna is all about music, so it would be an arrestable offence not to hear Strauss and Mozart here.维也纳的一切与音乐有关,所以在这里不听斯特劳斯和莫扎特是说不过去的。

7.He whistled his own melodies, he said, as readily as he had once whistled Mozart's.他讲道,正如他口里欣然吹着莫扎特的旋律一样,现在他吹着自己的旋律。

8.There was no doubt that the young Mozart was indeed the author of the fine music that had been depghting the town.毫无疑问小莫扎特的确就是那些深受小镇居民喜爱的音乐作品的作者。

9.Yet Mozart's adolescent desire to show off his technical mastery did not, on this occasion, create a masterpiece.然后莫扎特的青少年愿望(炫耀自己的技术)在此之际没有创造出杰作。

10.One news report says some of the children who have endured this Mozart authoritarianism now find classical music unbearable.一则新闻报道说,一些孩子被命令耐着性子听完莫扎特的音乐后,发现古典音乐也并非难以忍受。