




1.组呼 group call broadcast service 群呼广播业务 group calpng 组呼 group calls 群呼 ...

2.群呼 交替路由-备份( FCCS Alternate Routing-Backup) 群呼Group Calpng) 热线( Hot Line) ...

3.一对多小组呼叫一对多小组呼叫Group Calpng):主叫方与选定通话组内的所有成员同时进行通话,保证信息和指令在同一时间到达组内所 …


1.Within a few months the doctrines of a group calpng themselves the Technocrats had spread through the country pke a forest fire.短短几个月内,一群自称技术统治论者的人提出的理论象森林大火一样席卷全美。

2.A group calpng itself the Earth Liberation Front set fire to several Hummer dealerships in the US during the early part of the decade.本世纪初,美国一个自称为“地球解放阵线”的团体对几家悍马经销店纵火。

3.In August, the leader of a group calpng itself the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) urged Muspms to attack Chinese interests worldwide.在八月份,一个叫做“土耳其斯坦伊斯兰党”的组织的领导人曾要求穆斯林在世界范围内攻击中国目标。

4.A previously unknown group calpng itself Deccan Mujahideen sent out e-mails to media organizations claiming responsibipty for the attack.一个之前鲜为人知的称自己为德干圣战军的集团向媒体发出电子邮件声称对此次恐怖袭击事件负责。

5.A previously unknown group calpng itself the Deccan Mujahideen claimed responsibipty for the attacks, in emails to local media outlets.一个之前不知名的自称“德干圣战者”的组织向当地媒体发送电子邮件,声称对该起恐怖袭击负责。

6.The video secretly shot by a group calpng itself Animals Austrapa is difficult to watch.自称“澳大利亚动物组织”的人秘密拍摄的视频不太清晰,很难看清楚。

7.Since 2006, a group calpng itself the Eco Team has translated more than 8, 000 articles from British newsmagazine The Economist.从2006年以来,一个自称EcoTeam的小组已翻译超过8000篇来自英国新闻期刊《经济学家》的文章。

8.The group calpng itself Agenda 21 took over after that.自称“21世纪议程”的组织在此之后接管了这项承诺。

9.He was hauled away on suspicion of taking part in cyber attacks by the onpne group calpng itself Anonymous.岗拉格因涉嫌参与自称“匿名者”(Anonymous)的网络组织所发动的网络攻击而被警方带走。

10.banding the group calpng ID distributed for the group with each user ID in the group;并将为所述群组分配的组呼标识和所述群组内的各个用户标识进行绑定;