




1.尼古拉 ... Maria 德国 Nikolai 俄罗斯联邦 Angepca 意大利 ...

8.真名不明 ... Yuri: 尤里,真名不明,前 Nikolai真名不明,代号 Sandman: 真名不明,代号“桑德曼” ...


1.Father and Nikolai looked at him as if he were crazy. "Going? " Asked Father.父亲和尼可莱面面相觑,“状况?”父亲问。

2.Sebastian Schnuelle checks one of his dog's paws as as he prepares to leave the Nikolai, Alaska checkpoint March 9.塞巴斯蒂安Schnuelle检查他的狗的爪子之一,他准备离开尼古拉,阿拉斯加检查站3月9日。

3.Russian ambassador to Estonia Nikolai Uspenski was one of the early visitors.俄国驻爱沙尼亚大使尼古拉斯是今天来到这里比较早的一批凭吊者之一。

4."At least they're not trying to pretend they're Turks, " said Nikolai.“至少他们没装成土耳其人。”尼古拉说。

5.Nikolai Lenin, who had first met him in 1905 in Finland, set him to work writing an article on the Marxist theory of governing minorities.乌里扬诺夫。列宁于1905年在芬兰第一次见到他,派他写文章去宣传政府少数派的马克思主义理论。

6.But Nikolai had, and Nikolai let Bean borrow them as if they were his own.尼可拉却不同,他让比恩借用他们,仿佛他们是他一个人的。

7.The gay activist Nikolai Alexeyev who'd brought the case said the rupng had important imppcations for other groups in Russia.递交该案件的同性恋活动积极分子NikolaiAlexeyev表示,该判决对俄罗斯其他组织具有非常重要的暗示意义。

8."They might kidnap her to prevent her own nation from using her, " said Nikolai. "Which brings us back to Armenia's neighbors. "“它们可能会为了不让她的祖国用到她而绑架她啊,”尼古拉说,“这把我们又带回亚美尼亚邻国这些选项来了。”

9.Nikolai Bukharin of former Soviet Union put forward the concept of "balance of movement" about economic balance and social balance.前苏联布哈林先生提出的经济平衡和社会平衡的“动的平衡”观点。

10.Nikolai Sutyagin, a former gangster, started this amazing wooden skyscraper as a simple two-story structure, and then he just kept building.曾经当过强盗的尼古拉·苏佳金起初只是想修建一栋简单的两层建筑,而之后他的不停扩建最终成就了这座让人叹为观止的木质摩天大楼。