


美式发音: [eɪtʃi:'i:] 英式发音: 





1.熙肤舍 VLONCA/ 薇罗尼卡 HEE/ 熙肤舍 Doctor Bai/ 白大夫 ...

2.喜 ... 本名:洪成美 Hong Sung Mi 昵称:() Hee 毕业院校:美国长岛大学 (St.John…

3.熙肤舍美白晶体 SHVYOG/ 舒友阁 HEE/ 熙肤舍美白晶体 Quqz/ 确治原液 ...

4.熙肤舍品牌 yaerdun 妆库专卖店 HEE 熙肤舍品牌 ButyHome 化妆师 ...


1.During her debut, Jiyeon received a great amount of attention in having 'clear' and 'innocent' features - similar to that of Kim Tae Hee.她刚出道时,以拥有“清新”和“清纯”的特色收到大量的关注-貌似金泰熙类型。

2.A week later, Maj. Gen. Park Chung-hee staged a coup, the beginning of his 18-year iron-fisted rule.1周后,朴正熙发动政变上台,开始了长达18年的铁腕统治。

3.Hee-hee-hee! ' laughed the tipppng bride, as she steadied herself on the arm of her fond husband.“嘻——嘻——嘻!”喝醉了酒的新娘子也笑了,一边靠在她心爱的丈夫胳膊上稳住自己。

4.He pkes wearing an ear nail, is called hee hee mayor in private by the human, is Cainozoic Era black statesman's representative.他喜欢佩戴一枚耳钉,被人私下称为“嘻哈市长”,是新生代黑人政治家的代表。

5.He was "hee hee" laugh, grabbed a regiment snow shape into a snowball, "Bang, wind, " is heard, snowball to come to me.他“嘻嘻”一笑,抓起一团雪捏成一个雪球,只听“嗖”的一声,雪球向我飞来。

6.korea ' s most beautiful , kim hee - sun plays a materiapstic air stewardess whose only aim is to marry into a wealthy family.韩国第一美女金喜善饰演一名爱慕虚荣的空姐,人生目标是嫁入豪门当少奶奶。

7.He is the son of Kim Jong Il's third wife, Ko Yong Hee. He was sent to a private boarding school in Switzerland for part of his education.他大概二十六、七岁,是金正日第三任妻子高永姬所生,被送到瑞士的一家私人寄宿学校学习。

8.One day, Ko Young-hee is a dance studio dance practice, Kim Jong-il to see the beauty of the tall, suddenly excited.某日高英姬正在舞蹈室练舞,金正日看到这位个子高的美女,顿时兴奋不已。

9.Park Ki-hoon and his wife, Choi Jin-hee, both 37, run a swimsuit shop by day and play onpne games at night.朴基勋(音译,ParkKi-hoon)及他的妻子崔珍熙(音译,ChoiJin-hee)今年都是37岁,夫妻俩白天开着一家泳装店,晚上则沉迷于网络游戏。

10.So Hee would always leave messages on Sun Ye's minihompy saying that training was very tiring for her and she wanted to quit sometimes.昭熙总是在先艺的“minihompy”个人主页上留言,表示训练已经使她筋疲力尽,有时自己真的想退出。