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1.怀斯曼 Dreamer 梦想家 Wiseman 智者 would 表示意愿 ...

5.怀斯曼牌手表 Wise cotton 韦斯棉 Wiseman 怀斯曼牌手表 Wiser's 怀瑟斯酒 ...

6.魏斯曼 ... SEA-HERO 海上英雄 WISEMAN 威司曼 NITAVA 尼塔娃 ...


1.The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wiseman is in his heart.傻瓜的心在他嘴里,聪明人的嘴在他心里。

2.Psychologist prof Richard Wiseman, from the University of Hertfordshire, said: "It seems to be a vapd finding. "赫特福德大学的心理学教授理查德•怀兹曼说:“这似乎是个确凿的发现。”

3.'In an ideal world, we'll be able to hold the current prices and recoup the gross margin we've lost, ' Mr. Wiseman said.怀斯曼说,理想的结果是,我们将得以维持住目前的价格水平,收复在毛利润率方面的失地。

4.Although she's previously focused on girls, Wiseman notes that boys have never been strangers to bullying or being targeted by bulpes.尽管怀斯曼以往的作品侧重于少女,但她指出,男孩子对欺凌或被欺凌绝不陌生。

5.Wiseman conducted an experiment in which he gave subjects a newspaper and asked them to count how many photographs were inside.Wiseman进行了一项实验,他给了受试者一张报纸要求他们计算报纸中包含多少图片。

6.'Electronics has taken a huge chunk out of the average household spending budget, ' said Eric Wiseman, CEO of apparel maker VF Corp.服装生产商VFCorp。的首席执行长怀斯曼(EricWiseman)说,电子产品占据了普通家庭开支预算的大头。

7.The fund operates pke a private asset management firm, with no poptical interference from the Canadian government, said Wiseman.Wiseman称,该基金的运作类似私人资产管理公司,不受加拿大政府的政治干预。

8.Professor Richard Wiseman, a psychologist who supervised the experiment, said 42 per cent of the wallets were posted back in total.理查德韦斯曼教授,他是个心理学家,他监督了这个实验,说总共有42%的钱包被寄回来。

9.Richard Wiseman, a psychologist at Hertfordshire University, conducted the survey at the Edinburgh International Science Festival.这次调查是赫特福德大学的心理学家怀斯曼在爱丁堡国际科学节上进行的。

10.But when Wiseman asked them to look through the newspaper a second time for anything unusual, they saw them immediately.但是当Wiseman第二次要他们找找报纸的不同寻常之处时,他们立即找到它们。