


美式发音: [æd'rinl] 英式发音: [ə'dri:n(ə)l]








adj.1.relating to or on the kidneys2.describes parts or effects of the adrenal glands

1.肾上腺 acromastitis[ 乳头炎] · adrenal[ 肾上腺] adaxial[ 近轴的] ...

2.肾上腺的 adolescent 青少年 adrenal 肾上腺的, 肾上腺 adulthood 成年 ...

3.肾上腺素 semi-:half eg. semiantigen 半抗原, ad-:toward,near;eg. adrenal 肾旁的, ...

5.肾上腺疾病 glaucoma 青光眼 adrenal 肾上的 anesthesia 麻木 ...

7.肾上线 ... Upper and Lower Jaw 上颌及下颌 Adrenal 肾上线 Thorax:Low Dose Screening 低放射剂量胸腔 …


1.FDG-PET seems to be suitable for diagnosis and staging of adrenal cortex carcinoma in one single examination.葡萄糖聚酯似乎是适合于诊断和分期中的肾上腺皮质癌的一个单一的考试。

2.Adrenal cyst is a rare disease entity, especially that of sufficient size to be detected cpnically.肾上腺囊肿是一种少见的疾病,尤其是大到引起临床症状而被发现者更是少数。

3.The hormone is called DHEAS-or dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate-a natural steroid produced by the brain, adrenal glands and sexual organs.这种激素被称为脱氢表雄酮硫酸盐,或简称“DHEAS”,是大脑、肾上腺和性器官产生的一种天然类固醇物质。

4.The cancer's reach was extensive: It had spread to Saoirse's adrenal glands, bone marrow, ears and throughout her tiny body.这种癌症在身体中扩散的范围很广:它已扩散到了西尔莎•罗南的肾上腺、骨髓、耳朵,她小小的身体倒处都是。

5.Although adrenal tumors have been observed in several famipal syndromes, the majority of these lesions occur sporadically.尽管有这些分子学进展和工具,肾上腺肿瘤的发生机制仍然存在很多未知数。

6.Many have low blood pressure as the result of overtaxing of your adrenal system and need salt.许多低血压是肾上腺系统负担过重与缺盐所致。

7.Adrenal gland cancers (adrenal cortical cancer) are rare tumors that are usually very large at the time of diagnosis.肾上腺癌(肾上腺皮质癌)是一种罕见的癌症,一般诊断出患有肾上腺癌的时候肿瘤的体积已经很大。

8.In fact, congenital adrenal hyperplasia or early administration of diethylstilbestrol are able to modify female play behavior in mammals.实际上,先天性肾上腺皮质增生或进行早期投药(己烯雌酚)都会改变雌性哺乳动物的游戏行为。

9.Other effects were also noticed in the heart, adrenal glands, spleen and haematopoietic system.其它方面,还提示了在心脏、肾上腺、脾、造血系统方面的影响。

10.Tumours often develop in one of the adrenal glands but may also form in nerve tissues in the neck, chest, abdomen, or pelvis.肿瘤时常在肾上腺腺体生长,但是也可能在颈,胸,腹,骨盆的神经组织生长。