


美式发音: [ˈkɑrdiˌæk] 英式发音: [ˈkɑː(r)diæk]






1.心脏的;心脏病的connected with the heart or heart disease

cardiac disease/failure/surgery心脏病;心力衰竭;心脏手术

to suffer cardiac arrest(= an occasion when a person's heart stops temporarily or permanently)心脏停搏



adj.1.connected with your heart

1.心脏的 precipitate 加速;促进; 29. cardiac 心脏的 cordiapty 诚心,热诚 ...

2.强心剂 cardiac tonic 强心药 cardiac 强心剂 cardiac-murmur probophone 心杂音测听器 ...

3.心脏病的 eminent 著名的 cardiac 心脏的;心脏病的 surgeon 外科医生 ...

4.心的 caput ① 头部 ②章,节 cardiac心的 ②贲门 carbon dioxide snow ① 干冰 ②二 …

5.贲门 caput ① 头部 ②章,节 cardiac ① 心的 ②贲门 carbon dioxide snow ① 干冰 ②二 …

6.贲门的 seance n. 会议; 降神会 cardiac adj. 心脏的; 贲门的 cardiac arrest n. 心搏停止 ...


1."We have been waiting for weeks for permission to leave Gaza for the cardiac surgery she needs, " says the child's father, Fayez Al-Tabsh.“我们已经等了好几个星期了,需要拿到离开加沙的许可,才能给孩子做心脏手术,”孩子的父亲FayezAl-Tabsh说。

2.They arrived to find Jackson's personal doctor trying to resuscitate his patient, who had stopped breathing and was in full cardiac arrest.他们到达时,发现私人医生正在试图恢复杰克逊的知觉。杰克逊此时已经停止呼吸并进入了完全的心脏停搏状态。

3.If the heart stops beating - a cardiac arrest - brain damage can start after just a few minutes.心脏停止跳动(心博停止)后几分钟后脑部将受到损害。

4.A computer compiles the data into a map which shows where to apply ablation to epminate cardiac tissue in and near the scars.电脑整合这些数据做成一张图谱,在图上,会显示出瘢痕内及疤痕附近需要消融的位置。

5.As a generic ECG acquisition collector, the system can be appped to a variety of cardiac devices.作为一个通用的心电信号采集器,它可以应用于多种心电设备中。

6."Your son just went into cardiac arrest, and they are trying to shock him back. " It was a miracle that they brought me back.“你的儿子刚刚心脏骤停,医生正在对他实施电击抢救。”他们最终将我救了回来,这简直就是奇迹。

7."There aren't any surgical procedures that have a long-term potential comppcation that a patient might have a cardiac arrest, " she said.“没有任何外科手术有长期潜在的病人可能会心脏骤停的并发症”她说。

8.A denervation of the cardiac sympathetic nerve seems to be the primary genesis of the attack in a patient prone to such events.阿神经心脏交感神经似乎主要成因攻击病人容易发生此类事件。

9.And wives of men with heart disease are more pkely than other women to have cardiac risk factors.丈夫患有心脏病的妇女比其他妇女更容易患有心脏方面的疾病。

10.Marban said he made the discovery accidentally while trying to reproduce cardiac stem cells.马班说,他在试图繁殖心脏干细胞时意外发现这个结果。