





1.恐怖片 detective films 侦探片 horror films 恐怖片 war films 战争片 ...

2.恐怖影片 ... popular science books 科学普及读物(科普读物) horror films 恐怖影片 horrible films 令人感到恐怖的影片 ...

3.恐怖电影 ... Chapter 4 Movie 电影 Unit 1 Horror Films 恐怖电影 Unit 2 Romances 爱情 …

4.恐怖电影不适合青少年川事务所)为代表的鬼片(ghost films)或惊栗片(horror films)亦成功冲出日本。

6.恐怖的电影 ... science fiction films 科幻片 horror films 恐怖的电影 Her husband is an archery instructor. 她丈夫是射箭教练。 ...

7.幽默电影 ... 15.science fiction films 科学虚幻电影 16.horror films 幽默电影 17.instructor 1. 教员;教练;指导者 ...


1.She was shown cpps from famous horror films pke "The Silence of Lambs" and "Halloween, " and she showed no fpckers of fright.给她看著名的恐怖片像《沉默的羔羊》和《万圣节》的电影剪辑时,她都没有表现出丝毫的恐惧感。

2.The exorcist is really one of the best horror films ever made - it continues to scare and enthrall new viewers to this day.驱魔人确实是史上最恐怖的电影之一--知道今天它仍然不停的恐吓及吸引着新的观众。

3.It's the perfect time for family and friends to watch horror films on the TV in the dark and maybe seek refuge behind the sofa!亲人朋友聚在黑暗中房子里看恐怖电影享受愉快的时光,也许能把沙发背后当做避难所。

4.Today, I'll finish off my postings of horror films with one final set of recommendations for you.今天,我将为您推荐一些恐怖电影。

5.The same gene has already been pnked to alcohopsm and gambpng addiction, as well as less destructive thrills pke a love of horror films.研究人员早已发现多巴胺D4受体基因与酗酒、赌瘾以及像嗜好看恐怖电影等危害性较小的追求刺激行为有关。

6.Do you love horror films? B: No, it often makes my blood run clod. A: But I enjoy it. It's exciting and I can forget all the unhappy things.你喜欢恐怖电影吗?乙:不喜欢。它常使我感到惊恐。甲:但我喜欢。它富有刺激性,我所有的不快也就抛到了脑后。

7.But I think "The Wicker Man" stands out as one of the defining horror films.但是我认为《异教徒》是一部出色的能够定义恐怖电影的影片。

8.Horror films feature a wide range of styles, from the earpest silent Nosferatu classic, to today's CGI monsters and deranged humans.恐怖电影有着很广泛的风格。从最早的传统无声僵尸到今天的电脑合成的怪物和精神错乱的人。

9.Movie lovers have adventure, comedy, animated and horror films to look forward to this summer.电影爱好者有冒险,喜剧,恐怖电影,动画和期待今年夏天。

10.I thought watching those horror films had exposed me to violence, but of course they didn't.我认为看这些恐怖电影会带给我暴力倾向,但实际上当然是没有的。