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网络释义:热休克蛋白(heat shock protein);过敏性紫癜(Henoch-Schonlein purpura);热激蛋白



1.热休克蛋白(heat shock protein)  热休克蛋白HSP)是一类高度保守的蛋白质,普遍存在于生物细胞中。生物细胞在受热或其它理化因素(如病毒感染、缺氧 …

2.过敏性紫癜(Henoch-Schonlein purpura)过敏性紫癜(HsP)是儿科常见的疾病,其主要病理变化为全身小血管炎.目前尚无特异性治疗,河南睢县公疗医院应用莪术油联 …

3.热激蛋白  热激蛋白(HsP)是高温胁迫下植物体内产生的应激蛋白质,其相当一部分居于监护蛋白(cpn),主要参与生物体内新生肽的运输、 …

4.遗传性痉挛性截瘫    遗传性痉挛性截瘫HSP)较为少见,但其患者通常正青春年少,迄今仍没有任何一项治疗可以预防、延缓、逆转这种家族性 …

5.儿童过敏性紫癜儿童过敏性紫癜76 例临床分析 【摘要】 目的:分析儿童过敏性紫癜(HSP)临床特点,减少误诊。方 法:回顾分析我院近年儿 …


1.Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP) is a systemic vascuptis of unknown cause and abdominal pain is usually complained.类过敏性紫斑症为一种不明原因的全身性血管炎,腹痛为其最常见的肠胃并发症;

2.on dual-directional thermoregulation and its mechanism of influencing heat shock protein (HSP) in hypothalamus.在双向调节体温的同时对下丘脑热休克蛋白(HSP)的影响。

3.In patients with chronic inflammatory diseases, raised levels of antibodies and T-cells with reactivity to self-HSP have been observed.治疗慢性炎症性疾病,提高水平的抗体和T细胞的反应,以自我紫癜已观测。

4.Honeywell HSP intern recruitment Requirements: Postgraduate student, grade two, majoring in Polymer in Tongji University.霍尼韦尔实习生招聘职位要求:研究生2年级,本科研究生都在同济大学就读。

5.It has been observed that most human beings have cellular and humoral reactions against microbial heat shock protein (HSP).据观察,多数人有反应,细胞和体液对微生物热休克蛋白(HSP)。

6.In healthy humans, B- and T-cells with specificity for self-HSP can be easily detected.在健康人体的B-和T-细胞特异性自我热休克蛋白可以很容易地发现。

7.Haematuria and(or) proteinuria presenting during the first 6 months course, the HSP should be diagnosed.临床上在HSP病程中(包括病程6个月以内)出现血尿和(或)蛋白尿即可诊断。

8.Thus, the HSP-associated peptides represent the "antigenic fingerprint" of the cells or tissues from which they come.因此,与热休克蛋白相连的胜肽,可以视为其出身细胞或组织的「抗原指纹」。

9.Method: Using Western blot method to measure HSP of hypothalamus in febrile and hypothermal rats.方法:取高、低体温大鼠下丘脑组织,应用蛋白印迹法测定热休克蛋白含量。

10.In conclusion, our results indicate that HSP-70 in our experimental models does not play an essential role in acute allograft rejection.总之,我们的结果表明在实验模型中,HSP-70没有对急性同种异体排斥反应发挥重要的作用。