




1.第二次绿色革命第二次绿色革命second green revolution)是指通过国际社会共同努力,运用以基因工程为核心的现代生物技术,培育既高产 …


1.He said the most fitting honor for Norman Borlaug is to lead a second Green Revolution that feeds the world.他说最适合诺尔曼·勃朗的奖励应该是让他领导第二场“绿色革命”以养活整个世界。

2.These promises embodied the claim that rich countries are pushing for a second Green revolution and are determined to combat global hunger.这些承诺表明,富裕国家正在推动第二次绿色革命,并致力于解决全球饥饿问题。

3.As the world consumes more each year than it produces, panic is sparking calls for a second "green revolution" .全球每年的消耗高于产出,恐慌引发了第二次“绿色革命”的呼唤。

4.A second green revolution would need to go beyond recent science in genetically modified (GM) seeds.第二次绿色革命需要超越近来在遗传转基因种子方面的科学成就。

5.But the Rome meeting did make a start on the longest of long-term goals: a second green revolution.但是此次罗马峰会算是为第二次绿色革命,这一最最漫长目标开了一个头。

6.It is regarded as the fifth invention after China's Four Major Inventions, and is acclaimed as the Second Green Revolution.杂交水稻被誉为是继中国四大发明之后的第五大发明,也被称为第二次绿色革命。

7.The transgenic technology rising in recent years played an important role in ushering in the second Green Revolution.而近年来兴起的转基因技术将为第二次绿色革命的实现起到重要的作用。

8.The Second Green Revolution in India印度的第二次绿色革命