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abbr.(=Handford Works)汉福特原子厂



abbr.1.(=Handford Works)汉福特原子厂

abbr.1.(=Handford Works)

1.硬件设计-600激光笔简报控制器评测页面是IT168网站对汉王(HW)MPT-600激光笔简报控制器的评测信息的汇总,IT168手机评测页面 …

3.硬件(hardware) HW 半波 HW 高潮 HW 逆风 ...

5.华巍 巴塔哥尼亚 PATAGONIA 华巍 HW 天石 HIGHROCK ...

6.硬件属性 ADM 系统管理命令 HW 硬件属性 date 显示和设置时间 ...

7.心脏重量(heart weight)心脏重量(HW)、心指数(心脏重量/体重,HW/BW),左心室重量(LVW)、左心室肥厚指数(左心室重量/体重,LVW/BW)、左心室 …


1.He had been a very charitable priest; in his will hw had left all his money to institutions and the furniture of his house to his sister.牧师是个以慈悲为怀的人,在他的遗嘱中他把所有的钱财都捐给各种机构,家具则留给了他的妹妹。

2.HW: You seem to lean toward adaptations from short stories. Why do you think you connect with those?你似乎倾向于利用短篇小说,为什么你认为你与它们有着联系?

3.MW was walking up the stairs while HW was walking down, and HW turned her head later because she felt her heart beating.敏宇往台阶上走,而惠媛往台阶下走,后来惠媛回头看,因为她感觉到心在怦怦地跳。

4.Support the operation department up to mass production. Support other departments about HW issues and maintenance.支持生产部门的转产工作,支持其他部门的所有和硬件有关的需求。

5.Develop the Flash part of Test system (both HW &SW) as an Indus partner when new products or revised products are to be introduced.在新产品引进时,作为工业化合作伙伴,负责测试系统中下装部分的软硬件开发。

6.A similar process took place in northern Middle English, as evidenced by the use of qu-, quh-, and cu- for hw- in multiple manuscripts.类似的过程也发生在北部的中古英语中,从大量的手稿里都使用qu-,quh-和cu-来取代hw-,就可以证明。

7."Ron" gave America "George I" , i. e. George HW Bush, whom Oliphant lampooned almost as fiercely as he had Nixon.此后里根让美国有了“乔治一世”即老布什,奥利芬特对老布什讽刺的激烈程度如同对尼克松一样。

8.Hw walked her to her car.他陪她走到汽车那。

9.Nixon got us in, George HW Bush sealed the deal, and Dubya ran up the credit card, and gave Communist China "Preferred Nation" status.尼克松忽悠了我们,老布什封锁了交易,小布什增长了信用卡,然后给了共产主义中国“最惠国待遇”的地位。

10.You may want to check the settings in the game to see if there is an option to enable hardware mouse cursors (HW cursors).你可能想检查设置在游戏中,看看是否有一个选择,使硬件滑鼠游标(硬件光标)。