


英文单词:迪奥;食源性肥胖(diet-induced obesity);输入输出



3.输入输出单引脚,串行数字输入输出DIO)社区nication架构,并能够为分时 与传感器的输出信号的活动使能输出 传感和校准编程一行 通 …


1.At a housing block with Dio painted on the side, six elderly women sit chatting on park benches.在一处墙上画着荣尼-詹姆斯-迪奥的屋子边上,有六位年长女人坐在公园椅上闲聊。

2.Lexi Dio, an extra seen in Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's office during Obi-Wan's report from Geonosis, was played by Nicole Fentl.欧比-万从吉奥诺西斯发来情报时,在最高议长帕尔帕廷的办公室里可以看到跑龙套的莱克茜·戴奥。她由妮科尔·范特尔扮演。

3.There were fatty degeneration and pancreatic tissue damage in both DIO-R rats and DIO rats.肥胖抵抗大鼠与肥胖大鼠都有肝脏脂肪变性与胰腺组织受损;

4.Sperm activity of DIO mice was significantly lower than control mice.DIO小鼠的精子活动度显著低于对照组小鼠;

5.Cassius Dio, a Roman historian who lived 200 years after Cleopatra, described her death as calm and painless.生活在克利奥帕特拉死后两百年的罗马历史学家卡西乌斯·狄奥将克利奥帕特拉的死描述为平静而毫无痛苦的死亡。

6.During the Clone Wars, Lexi Dio was assassinated.在克隆人战争期间,莱克茜·戴奥遭暗杀。

7.dio programmes there are in French. There are French restaurants, and all the.广播节目都是用法语播送的。那儿有法国餐馆,学校里全部。

8.But despite this, you'll find the typical musical universe of Dio.但是尽管如此,你还是能找到DIO音乐的典型元素。

9.Cognitive rah dio is a wireless communications technology that is self-adaptive to environment and is based on the software defined radio.认知无线电是在软件无线电的基础上发展而来的能够自适应外界环境变化的无线通信技术。

10.ResultsIn 19w, the testis and epididymis of DIO mice were significantly lower than the control mice.结果实验19周末,DIO组小鼠睾丸和附睾系数显著低于对照组小鼠;