


美式发音: 英式发音: 

prep.〈外〉同“off. de facto”

abbr.(=destroyer escort)护航驱逐舰

英文单词:德国;消化能(digestible energy);从


prep.1.〈外〉同“off. de facto”2.〈外〉同“of from. de haut en bas”

abbr.1.(=destroyer escort)护航驱逐舰

prep.1.<foreign>Same as off. de facto2.<foreign>Same as of from. de haut en bas

abbr.1.(=destroyer escort)


1.德国 瑞典( se) 德国( de) 捷克( cz) ...

2.消化能(digestible energy) em 在 de 的, um/uma (第1) ...

4.护航驱逐舰(Destroyer Escort) 键盘接口 6.其他:50 M,27M 的使用 关于 DE2 的配置 (当然这也能够通过 OpenI2C ...


1.The effort of rotary de-scaling on the surface quality of a pickled hot-rolled strip is shown in figure 9.图9表明了旋转除锈器对于热轧板带表面质量的影响。

2.He said, "There were murders last night in the town. The aide-de-camp of the military governor, a sergeant and a girl on a bicycle. "他说道:“昨天夜间城里发生了几起谋杀,一名军事长官的副手、一位中士和一个骑自行车的女孩被杀。”

3.It is often a stuttering journey, with cul-de-sacs and fog. And the goal can change as you approach it.这个过程通常跌跌撞撞,一路上有死胡同,还有迷雾,但在你接近它的过程中,目标也许又会发生改变。

4.On the slopes of Spain's Sierra de Aitana Mountains, Italian Arias * waft through the air, and lions roar as if in accompaniment.在西班牙艾塔那山脉的斜坡上,空中飘荡着意大利的咏叹调,狮子的吼声好像在伴奏。

5.His ideas were based on a remarkable connection between waves and particles which had been discovered a little earlier by De Broglie.他的想法是基于波和粒子之间的非凡关系,这个关系是在比当时稍早一点的时候由德布罗意发现的。

6.As Charles de Gaulle once said, "The big thing in politics is to know when it is time to leave. "就像CharlesdeGaulle曾经说的那样“政治上最重要的事情就是要知道该在什么时候离开。”

7.Olympe drove by in an elegant carriage which Monsieur de N has given her. She tried to cut me with a look.奥林普坐在一辆N先生送给她的漂亮的马车里经过,她想用眼光来侮辱我。

8.and the englishman drew from his pocket a bundle of bank - notes , which might have been twice the sum m . de boville feared to lose.英国人说着便从他的口袋里抽出了一叠钞票,那叠钞票大概有两倍于波维里先生所害怕损失的那笔数目。

9.By early Saturday, he was still awake -- and still did not know who had won the latest stage of the Tour de France.周六早上,他仍然醒着,而且仍然不知道是谁赢了最近那一场环法分站赛。

10."Louis de Pointe du Lac would see a ghost now, " she said, musing, "as if his suffering isn't enough. "“现在的路易看起来像个鬼魂,”她说,又自言自语道:“就好像他的痛苦还远远不够似的。”