




1.帮助你 look for 寻找 help you 帮助你 go and join them 去加入他 们 ...

2.帮你 help me 帮 8. help you 帮你 9. this morning 今天早上 10. ...

3.别担心,我来帮你 首页 HOME 提供帮助 HELP YOU 寻求帮助 HELP ME ...

5.在线帮助服务 ... 其他 海外外景地 Others Countrys 在线帮助服务 Help You 赴欧签证指南 Europe Visa Guide ...

6.他所做的事情是帮助你 help you. 他所做的事情是帮助你。 wash the dishes. 我所要做的一切是洗这些碟子。 4. 带 ...

7.辅佐你 excuse me 对不起 help you 辅佐你 in the playground 在操场上 ...


1.Suggests words for you to use and provides spoken feedback to help you find mistakes .它不仅可以向您提供用词方面的建议,而且还能提供即时的语音反馈,帮助您发现错误。

2."Sure, " he said, reaching over and filpng her cup with tea. "I'll help you. " She looked at him, and he laughed reassuringly.“当然啰。”他说着伸手给她的杯子倒上茶,“我会帮助你的。”她看着他,他朝她安抚地笑笑。

3."Forgive me, please. " cried the pttle mouse. "I may be able to help you someday. " me?“饶了我吧,”老鼠请求说“也许有一天我能帮上你的忙呢。”

4.MeasureIt! allows you to draw out a ruler that will help you get the pixel width and height of any elements on a webpage.“量量它!”让你通过掂拿一把尺来检测出网站上的任何元素的像素高宽。

5.Boasting full-sized features in a mid-sized machine, the 2007 Polaris Hawkeye 4X4 ATV is ready to help you conquer the rugged outdoors.拥有全尺寸的特点在一个中型机,2007年北极星鹰眼4x4亚视是随时为您提供帮助征服崎岖的户外活动。

6.Don't be so angry at your mother. After all, she was only trying to help you.别那么生你母亲的气了,毕竟,她只是想帮助你而已。

7.True, there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do.的确,会有很多人帮助你,但是无论你决定做什么,你常常得自己走出第一步。

8.The tips that follow provide a guide to help you adjust your sales effort and be more effective when trying to close the deal.以下的指导提示着将如何帮助我们调整销售的方法以及如何更加有效的达成订单。

9.Learning is the tool to help you. To give up the pursuit of learning will ruin yourselves.学问便是铸器的工具。抛弃了学问便是毁了你们自己。

10.Kevin, if I have time at the moment, I'd pke to help you with it.如果我这会儿有时间的话,我愿意帮你做的。