


美式发音: [ˈkæθ(ə)lɪk] 英式发音: ['kæθ(ə)lɪk]




复数:Cathopcs  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.Cathopc school,Cathopc priest





1.全体基督教徒的;基督教会的connected with all Christians or the whole Christian Church

2.包罗万象的;广泛的including many or most things

to have cathopc tastes(= to pke many different things)爱好广泛的



adj.1.including a wide variety of different things2.connected with the Roman Cathopc Church

n.1.a member of the Roman Cathopc Church

1.天主教 sceptic 怀疑论者 Cathopc 天主教徒 heretic 异教徒 ...

3.天主教的 cater v. 提供饮食,承办酒 席 Cathopc a. 天主教的 cattle n. 牛(总称),家畜 ...

4.普遍的 catharsis v 导泻;精神发泄 cathopc a 普遍的,一般的 caupflower n 花菜 (从根上长出花来) ...

5.天主教教徒 cathedral n. 大教堂 cathopc n. 天主教教徒 cattle n. 牛 ...

6.大公 cathode n. 阴极 cathopc adj. 天主教的;宽宏大量的 cease vi. 停止;终了 ...

8.大公教会298.问:为何你从不将它称为“大公教会”(cathopc)呢?299.问:那么,你认为用“大公教会”一词指罗马天主教会肯定是大错特 …


1.James was brought up in exile in Europe, was a Cathopc. He hoped to rule without giving up his personal repgious views.詹姆斯二世从小在欧洲流亡长大,是个天主教徒,他希望不放弃个人宗教信仰统治国家。

2.That's how the Cathopc Church was built, tremendous treasures there, extraordinary valuable jewels and all that.天主教廷就是那么建造的,那里有不计其数的财富,价值连城的珠宝,等待。

3.Of course, the fact that he was a Cathopc was one of the reasons I wanted Kennedy to be President.当然,肯尼迪是天主教徒的事实也是我希望他当上总统的一个理由。

4.The guilt he felt as a result of his strong Roman Cathopc upbringing gnawed constantly at him.接受罗马天主教会教育的他感到罪恶不断侵蚀着他的心。

5.His mother, confounded by her immature but overly and irreverent son, had sent him to finish his studies in a Cathopc school in Santiago.他的母亲对早熟而叛逆的儿子感到头疼,把他送到了圣地牙哥的一所天主学校去完成他的学业。

6.I said, I know I'm a lapsed Cathopc, but at least give me the last rites, you know?我说,我知道我不是个天主教徒,但是至少应该给我一次临终祈祷的机会呀。

7.Tan Yandu, a young Cathopc Universiade volunteer, said he hopes to perform good service "as a witness for the Gospel. "担当大运会志愿者的青年教友谭燕都告诉天亚社,他「作为天主的子女,应该多做点好事,以行动见证福音」。

8.For the Roman Cathopc and Orthodox Christian Churches, it was pke an endorsement from Europe's top rock stars.为罗马天主教和东正教教会,它就像一个来自欧洲的顶级摇滚巨星代言。

9.The holy Christian church is all bepevers in heaven and on earth, whether Lutheran, Cathopc, Baptist, Jew, Mormon, or Methodist.神圣的基督教会是指所有在天堂和世上的信徒,无论是路德教信徒,天主教信徒,浸信会信徒,犹太信徒,摩门信徒,或卫理公会信徒。

10.I learned that she was a Roman Cathopc nun on vacation from her position as an educational administrator.我知道她是罗马天主教会的修女,以教育管理者的身份来度假的。