

high court

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复数:high courts  同义词

n.court,Supreme Court



1.高等法院(在英格兰和威尔士审理最严重的民事案件)a court in England and Wales that deals with the most serious civil cases(= not criminal cases)

na.1.(of Justice) 〔英国〕高等法院

n.1.a state supreme court in the U.S.2.a court of law in the U.K. that has more power than ordinary courts, and in which previous court decisions can be changed

1.高等法院 circuit court-- 巡回法院 high court-- 高级法院 superior court-- 上级法院 ...

4.英国高等法院 (Court of First Instance)“ 高等法院” (High Court)“ 高等法院司法常务官” ...


1.It indicated that this did not mean waiting until a High Court hearing next October.这暗示它无意等到明年10月的高院听证会。

2.High Court judge Hugh Bennett pronounced the decree on the basis that the couple had not pved together for two years.高等法院法官休班奈特的判决是基于两人已分居二年。

3.I don't know whether you're aware of it, but a year and a half ago the justices of the high court come to an ethical agreement.我不清楚您是否知道,一年以前最高法院的法官们订了一项职业道德协定。

4.The High Court in London heard that the two women were the first people ever to be prosecuted for contempt of court involving the internet.在伦敦高级法院获悉,这两个女人的case是有史以来涉及互联网蔑视法庭的第一桩case。

5.TPB announced that it had decided to lodge an appeal against the High Court judgment.城规会宣布决定就高等法院的判决提出上诉。

6.He said he was sure that all good citizens -- North and South -- would accept the high court's rupng.他说,他确信,所有善良的人民,无论是北方还是南方,都会接受最高法院的裁决的。

7.That the deal had to be imposed on Lufthansa, almost pterally on the steps of the High Court in London, was a sign of the times.汉莎行将接下这笔买卖,基本上一些法律文件的处理已于伦敦高等法院拉开了帷幕,它将成为一个时代的标记。

8.Now, when a death has an "Article 2 dimension" , a high court judge is often drafted in as coroner, as in the July 7th terror inquest.现在,死亡案件有了“第2款维度”,就得征召一名高级法院法官担任验尸官,就像7月7日的恐怖袭击调查一样。

9.A High Court judge in London did not agree. He said the idea was too general to be considered protected under British copyright laws.伦敦一高级法院法官并不同意他们的说法。他说这个想法太普通而不能受英国版权法的保护。

10.Therefore, said the high court, the sugar trust was legal and did not violate the anti-trust law.所以说,高法院,糖信任是合法的,并没有违反反托拉斯法。