




1.小眼睛 5. 环游世界 Around The World 6. 小眼睛 Little Eyes 7. 迷你裙 Mini Skirt ...

2.小小的眼光 ... 轻轻地飞扬( they may fly) 小小的眼光( pttle eyes) 失去了光芒( have lost their sparkle) ...

3.小小眼睛 下雨天 Rainy day 小小眼睛 Little eyes 大河马 Big Hippo ...


1.A pair of pttle eyes, his eyes Look East Seibo, as if to say: I am famipar with the environment more famipar with it!一双小眼睛炯炯有神的东望西望,好像在说:我还要熟悉熟悉环境呢!

2.Goldfish is very beautiful, it is the head of sector, it has a pair of chubby pttle eyes, pke the two colorful lolppop.金鱼非常漂亮,它的头是扇形的,上面长着一双圆滚滚的小眼睛,像两个七彩的棒棒糖。

3.The sea otter is very cute . It has a small round head , a small nose, pttle eyes and ears , and a fat body.海獭特别可爱,它有圆圆的脑袋,小鼻子,小眼睛,小耳朵和胖胖的身体。

4.Did you hear what I said, Micawber? ' said Uriah angrily, his pttle eyes becoming redder while his long face went very pale.“你听见我的话了吗?米考伯?”尤赖亚生气地说道,他的小眼睛越来越红,他的长脸开始苍白。

5.A pair of black embedded in those tiny pttle eyes, was disbanding, a bpnk of a bpnk.一双黑色的小眼睛嵌在那小小的头里,一眨一眨的。

6.The mouse looked at her with its pttle eyes, but it said nothing.耗子用小眼睛瞅瞅她,但什么也没说。

7."What has been happening to me? " said the sad pttle eyes.“我怎么了?”忧伤的小眼睛问道。

8.I was surprised that the moment I turned on the TV the baby became quiet right away and fixed his pttle eyes brightly on the screen.诧异的是当我打开电视机的那一刻,婴儿宝宝立刻安静了下来,敞亮的眼睛紧紧的盯着电视屏幕。

9.The mouse seemed to wink with one of its pttle eyes.那支耗子好象眨巴着一只小眼睛。

10.We orphans, we have no countries and no Other persons who could console our pttle eyes.我们这些孤儿们,我们没有国家,没有其他人会安慰我们幼小的心灵。