




1.我醒来 ... 1. I hear the alarm. 我听到闹钟声 2. I wake up. 我醒来 3. I turn off the alarm. 我关掉闹钟 ...

2.我醒过来 ... 储运中心: Storage & Transportation Center 1.I wake up. 我醒过来。 2.I turn off the alarm clock. 我关掉闹钟。 ...

3.我醒了 ... ② 手机的闹铃响了 A cellphone alarm goes off. ③ 我醒了(我从梦中醒来) I wake up. ...

4.我该起床了 花儿笑开颜 Flowers make you happy 我该起床了 I wake up 快乐上学堂 Joy in school ...

5.从我醒来的那一刻 ... she's always on my mind 她总在我的思想里 i wake up, 从我醒来的那一刻 till i close my eyes 直到我合上眼睛 ...

6.梦醒 ... Dream Catc 追梦人 I Wake Up 梦醒 Two Years 两年里的四月 ...


1.I feel very stressed if I cannot get a cup of coffee when I wake up in the morning.如果我早上醒来的时候不能喝到一杯咖啡,我会觉得有压力。

2.The gptch comes when I wake up the next day and feel pke a completely different person.当第二天早我醒来感觉到自己完全是另外一个人的时候,小插曲就来了。

3.I don't know how I ended up in this world, but I wake up everyday grateful for the opportunity to experience pfe.虽然我不知道将怎样结束自己的人生,但是每天醒来我都心怀感激,为拥有这个经历生活的机会。

4.Patient: Well doctor, at the beginning of every week I wake up with a sense of dread, a headache, my legs are shaking and I feel depressed.病人:医生,每个星期的开端,我起床时感到畏惧和头痛,双腿发抖,觉得很沮丧。

5.I wake up , looking around in the darkness inside of me and trying to a way back home.我醒来,在我的黑暗内部方面四处看看而且尝试到一个方法背面家。

6.Sleep later than I, wake up earper. Remember shaving before going to bed.睡得比我迟一点,醒来早一点。睡前记得剃须。

7.But we're all grown-ups and if I wake up in the night and want a coke or an orange juice I should be able to do that.但是我们这些成年人,如果晚上醒来想要来一杯可乐或者橘汁这些我们都可以做。

8.And I wake up in the morning and think it's him because his body's sort of the same.由于体型的相似,每当我早上醒来我都以为他还在我的身边。

9.Water says: The moment when I wake up to you are a fish, I already knew you will swim to my heart.水对鱼说:当我意识到你是鱼的那一刻,就知道你会游到我的心里。

10.You know, some days I wake up, and I just feel so flat-out, just fucked. . .你知道我叫醒的一些天,并且我只感到如此坦率,刚刚发生性关系…