


美式发音: ['sɪdʒəl] 英式发音: ['sɪdʒɪl]






n.1.a seal or signet2.a sign or image that is supposed to have magical power

1.印记城 vt. 海豹, 海豹毛皮 sigil 图章, 印记, 魔符, 魔诀 signet 图章, 印 ...

6.印章 Industrials= 工业舰 Sigil= 魔符级 Bestower= 恩赐者级 ...


1.Although you can use Sigil to find and review page breaks and numbering, in a more than 100-page document, doing so might be tedious.尽管您可以使用Sigil查找和检查分页符和页码,但在超过100页的文档中,这么做可能太费事了。

2.(two exclamation marks), might look a pttle strange, but it's a command history sigil that repeats the previous command verbatim.(两个感叹号),可能看起来有些奇怪,但它是一种命令历史符号,可以一字不差地重复前面的命令。

3.OK, so how are we going to fight a whole bunch of flying creatures that are guarding this stupid Air Sigil?那么我们该怎么去对付守护在那无趣的风之魔符旁的那一整拨飞行生物?

4.Hrmph . As you wish . However , I insist that the honor of activating the Fire Sigil go to you.唉。随你喜欢吧。不管如何,我坚持该由你来享有激活火之魔符的荣耀。

5.C: You, uh, have defeated the sacred tests necessary to get the Air Sigil.你们,呃,通过了风之魔符的试炼。

6.New death knight sigils are now available, primarily from vendors, including a tanking-oriented sigil.增加了新的魔印,主要是通过购买获得,包括了一个坦克向的魔印。

7.The name of this place is Sigil.这个地方的名字叫作西吉尔。

8.Yeah, that's not coincidental. OK. I guess I'll take Thog and the Psychotic Midget Patrol here for the Earth Sigil.对,那不是巧合。好吧,我想我带着Thog和这支精神病小个子巡逻队去找土之魔符好了。

9.None R: That must be the Earth Sigil there.这一定就是土之魔符了。

10.You simply type the sigil in place of the argument.您只需输入这些符号来代替相应的参数。