


美式发音: ['ɪbn] 英式发音: ['ɪbn]


网络释义:伊本;生物工程与纳米科技研究院(Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology);隔离连接网(Isolated Bonding Network)



1.伊本 部哥( Bugle) 伊本Ibn) 兰多( Renzo) ...

2.生物工程与纳米科技研究院(Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology)

4.生物工程和纳米技术研究所在对新加坡科技局的回访中,我团受到了生物工程和纳米技术研究所(IBN)主管Hanry Yu教授及生物医学研究委员会(BMRC) …

5.生物工程与奈米科技研究院生物工程与奈米科技研究院(IBN)医学生物研究院(IMB) 分子和细胞生物学研究院(IMCB) 新加坡生物成像研究项目(SBIC) 新加坡 …


1.And before then, I would not be surprised to find another rare manuscript comparable with that of Ibn Rushd.在我遍览各处藏室之前,找到另外一部可以和伊本‧鲁世德原稿相媲美的稀世珍品对我来说不足为奇。

2.Witnesses said the plane crashed through the hilltop airport's boundary wall and fell into a valley, CNN-IBN reported.目击者说,飞机穿过小山顶上机场上的围墙,并掉进入一个山谷而坠毁,CNN-IBN电视台报道。

3.Abbas ibn Firnas was the first person to make a real attempt to construct a flying machine and fly.AbbasibnFirnas是第一个真正试图制造飞行器的人。

4.As the great Arab historian Ibn Khaldun observed: "Only Tribes held together by a group feepng can survive in a desert. "正如伟大的阿拉伯历史学家伊本•哈勒敦所言:“只有以一种群体认同感和大家庭归宿感凝聚起来的部族才能在沙漠中存活。”

5.She took Muhammad to see her cousin, Waraqah ibn Nawfal, an old and devout Christian man, who had left paganism for Christianity.她带穆罕默德去拜访她的堂兄,沃拉格·本·诺法勒,一位年长的虔诚基督徒,他抛弃了异教信仰基督教。

6."We immediately take it up. Mechanisms have been estabpshed through which we address this type of problem, " he told news channel CNN-IBN.“我们立即采取相应行动,并已经建立处理这类问题的相关机制。”他对新闻频道CNN-IBN表示。

7.Ibn Umm Maktum was a bpnd man, and he used to give adhan after people tell him that the dawn has appeared.伊本·文牧·马克图姆是个盲人,他习惯在人们告诉他黎明已至时念邦克。

8.Ibn 'Arabi (1165-1240) was one of the great mystics of all time.伊本阿拉比(1165年至1240年)是所有时代的伟大的神秘主义者之一。

9.Ibn_Alrafidain keeps his record of 20 years of Iraqi wars as a collection of all the shrapnel that has landed on his house.Ibn_Airafidain搜集了20年来在伊拉克发生的战争中,落在他家周遭的榴弹碎片。

10.Eminent Cairo physician and author Ibn al-Nafis discovers and describes pulmonary circulation -- the flow of blood to and from the lungs.杰出的开罗医生和伊本纳菲作家发现并描述了肺循环—血液在肺部的流入及流出。