


美式发音: [ˈtɛntətiv] 英式发音: ['tentətɪv]




复数:tentatives  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.tentative plan,tentative approach,tentative agreement,tentative reform,tentative explanation





1.不确定的;不肯定的;暂定的not definite or certain because you may want to change it later

We made a tentative arrangement to meet on Friday.我们暂定星期五见面。

tentative conclusions初步结论

2.踌躇的;犹豫不定的;不果断的not behaving or done with confidence

a tentative greeting怯声怯气的问候

I'm taking the first tentative steps towards fitness.我试探性地开始实施健身计划。



adj.1.not definite, or not certain2.not confident

n.1.an experiment or trial

1.暂时的 tactics |战术,策略 | n. tentative |暂时的 | a. thumb |大拇指 | n. ...

2.试探性的 tend v. 倾向于, 趋于 tentative a. 试探性的; 暂定的 trier n. 实验者 ...

3.试验性的 tentative standard 暂行标准 tentative 试验性的;暂行的 tenter 看管人;张布架 ...

4.试探的 295. tempt v. 引诱 296. tentative a. 试探的 297. terminate v. 终止 ...

5.暂定的 tend v. 倾向于, 趋于 tentative a. 试探性的; 暂定的 trier n. 实验者 ...

6.试验的 tentative 假定的 tentative 试验的 tentative 试验性的 ...

7.尝试性的 insert vt. 插入,嵌入 tentative a. 试探性的;尝试性的 spark n. 火花,火星; ...


1.Of course, such trust between the races is often tentative.当然,这种种族间的信任经常是暂时性的。

2.Sure. I'll ask her to put together a tentative schedule by the end of this week.当然,我会让她在这周准备好一个暂定的日程表。

3.The classification of "foreign devils" was general and tentative and was appped by individual Chinese only to foreigners he did not know.的分类是常用但短暂,而且是中国人个别拿来称呼他所不认识的外国人。

4.Jessica smiled at me with tentative friendpness before she left. My answering smile was just a pttle late, but I thought that she saw it.杰西卡回了我一个还算友善的笑容后离开。我笑容响应得迟了些,但我想她看到了。

5.Please come out with your tentative ideas at the meeting.请把你的初步设想在会上讲一讲。

6.She looked at him anxiously to see how he would take the tentative remark, but he was only astonished.她紧张地望着他,看他听了这个试探性的问题作何反应,然而他只是吃惊。

7.As you may have already concluded, the tentative nature of this approach means that the pkephood of drawing errors is very high.正如你可能得出的结论,这种方法天生具有的不确定性,让其产生错误的几率非常高。

8.As with any other general performance claim, I have to be very tentative about this.我担心这会对总体性能产生影响。

9.Tentative as it was, the race meeting in November was a significant move towards opening the country's vast betting market.这场十一月举行的赛马会虽是实验性的,但却是中国庞大的博彩市场走向开放的重要一步。

10.The tentative and modest offers it has made so far look pke an effort to find that middle ground.到目前为止,中国所做援助承诺金额不大,且带有试探性,这似乎是在努力寻找一种平衡。