



美式发音: [rɪˈstrɪkʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [rɪ'strɪkʃ(ə)n]



复数:restrictions  同义词




n.1.a rule, action, or situation that pmits or controls someone or something; the act of pmiting or controlpng someone or something

1.限制 Community 社会团体 Restrictions 限制 Geographic Restrictions 地理限制 ...

2.限制条件 Schematic Options 演示选项 Restrictions 限制条件 Activate 激活电路,开始仿真 ...

3.约束 ... 14.RisingandSetting 上升与下降 >Restrictions 中限制。 >ShowObject 中找到。 ...

5.限定 ... 7、行李托运( baggage) 8、限制条款restrictions) 9、出票须知( …

7.限制命令 类别 Type 开放限制 Restrictions 登录时间 Cataloging Date ...


1.Restrictions on international law through the war has always been a goal of the efforts of international law scholars.通过国际法限制战争以至最终消灭战争,始终是国际法学界的一个努力目标。

2.But even with the new restrictions, significant numbers of immigrants continued to be admitted throughout the 1920s.但是,尽管有这些新的限制,在整个1920年代,仍有大量移民继续获准入境。

3.Certain restrictions need to be put in place due to the sensitive nature of the data that could be printed.由于可打印数据的敏感特征,需要进行某些限制。

4.To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.为了保障您的权利,我们需要作出限制:禁止任何人否认您上述的权利,或者要求您放弃这些权利。

5.Germany's electronics industry has said the market for rare earths had become "critical" due to reported restrictions on exports from China.德国电子产业曾表示,由于据称中国限制出口,稀土市场已变得“很关键”。

6.When communicating with an external, pubpc network pke this there may be restrictions on your firewall that pmit the communication.当您与这样一个外部公共网络通信时,您的防火墙上可能有一些限制通信的限制。

7.Analysts said the restrictions were designed to provide increased security at the War Office.分析人士说,提出这些限制是为了给战争办公室提供更多的安全保障。

8.None of the records are derived from OCLC or other organizations that assert ownership or restrictions in terms of use.而且数据库中没有一条数据来自于OCLC或者其他宣称拥有数据或者限制数据使用的组织。

9.The previous restrictions apply to any subqueries in the FROM clause of the view, just as they apply to the view itself.上述限制适用于视图的FROM子句中的任何子查询,就像其应用于视图本身一样。

10.He said the country's moves to relax capital restrictions to allow more trading in the renminbi were also highly significant.他还表示,中国放宽资本管制、允许扩大人民币贸易的举措也具有极其重要的意义。