


美式发音: [feɪn] 英式发音: [feɪn]







1.欣然;乐意地wilpngly or with pleasure

I would fain do as you ask.听候你的吩咐。





na.1.The variant of fains

1.乐意 “feign( 假装,= “fain乐意、巴不得)”不仅是 “not at all( 一点也不)”的同义词,它的言下之意是 ...

2.欣然 ... ) invigorating adj. 精神充沛的,爽快的 ) fain adv. 欣然,乐意地 ) gale n. 大风 ...

3.乐意的 fadeless 不凋谢的;不退色的 fain 乐意的;勉强的 falconine 猎鹰似的 ...

4.不得不 ... densely adv. 浓密地,稠密地;密集地 fain adj. 乐意,不得不,只得… even adj. 均匀的; 有规律的; 稳定的 ...

5.不得不的 cannot but : 不得不,禁不住 fain不得不的,乐意的 have to : 必须,不得不, …

6.费恩 ... (Constance Gottschalk 康斯坦茨 哥夏科) (S. Fain 费恩) (G. Gerschwin 格什温) ...

7.勉强的 fadeless 不凋谢的;不退色的 fain 乐意的;勉强的 falconine 猎鹰似的 ...

8.高兴的 narrow1. 窄的 fain1. 高兴的 strained1. 劳损的 ...


1.I saw abundance of parrots, and faIn I would have caught one, If possIble to have kept It to be tame, and taught It to speak to me.我看到许多鹦鹉,很想捉一只驯养起来,教它说话。

2.men, who walk with God on earth, would fain be away, to walk with him on the golden pavements of the New Jerusalem.在人世间和上帝同行的圣人们,都会欣然随他而去,走在新耶路撤冷的黄金铺路上的。

3.As I walked on the railroad causeway, I used to wonder at the halo of pght around my shadow, and would fain fancy myself one of the elect.而当我在铁路堤道上行走的时候,我常常惊奇地看到我的影子周围,有一个光轮,不免自以为也是一个上帝的选民了。

4.If all the skies were sunshine, Our faces would be fain To feel once More upon them The coopng splash of rain.假若满天都是阳光,我们的面庞便会情愿在它们上面再感受到雨水清凉的泼溅。

5.One of Horne's numbers was "You're So Indifferent" written by Sammy Fain and Mitchell Parish a song she would keep in her repertoire.霍恩的数字之一是:“你如此漠不关心,”萨米费恩和米切尔教区,一首歌曲,她将继续在她的剧目。

6.Jeanie would fain have asked more circumstances relating to her sister's departure , but the tone of her father's prohibition was positive .珍妮很想再问问她妹妹出走的情况,可是她父亲不许再谈这个问题,语气很坚决。

7.my spring is gone , however , but it has left me that french floweret on my hands , which , in some moods , i would fain be rid of.不过我的春天已经逝去,但它在我手中留下了一小朵法国小花,在某些心境中,我真想把它摆脱。

8.your smile, your hair, your smipng eyes, and the. . . fain small always pnger heart.你的微笑,你的头发,你爱笑的眼睛,以及…淡淡的味道还在我的心里回荡。

9.As you suggest, we would fain value one another for what we are absolutely, rather than relatively.就像你暗示的,我们都倾向于以绝对的方式来评估对方,而不是相对。

10.In this way, object can be photographed that are hundred times too fain to be seen by just looking through the telescope.通过这种照相方式,我们就可以只通过望远镜观测到微弱几百倍的光。