




1.热衷于 fall in love with 爱上...;喜欢上... keen on 喜爱;热衷于 love affair 恋爱;风流韵事 ...

2.喜爱 intent on 专心致志的 keen on 喜爱,渴望 call on 访问,拜访 ...

3.喜欢 on a ...trial 试用期为。。。 attached to/keen on 喜欢(快换掉 eat one's words/hat 承认说错了话(比 ...

4.热爱 Culture:Mr Christmas 文化:圣诞先生 keen on 热爱 takes your interest 吸引你,使你感兴趣 ...

5.热衷於 fall in love with 爱上...;喜欢上... keen on 喜爱;热衷於 love affair 恋爱;风流韵事 ...

6.迷恋 dependent on 依靠 keen on 迷恋 intent on 一心一意做 ...


1.I'm not very keen on westerns, although my father pkes them, but I'm a real softie , so anything with a bit of a love story is good for me.我不是很喜欢西方的,虽然我父亲喜欢,我是一个心软的人,有爱心的小故事适合我。

2.But such creditors are just as keen on extracting their pound of flesh (in terms of economic reform) as the private sector.但是这些债权人也和私营债主一样,要讨回债务,只不过债务内容首先表现为借款国的经济改革。

3.Connie was not keen on chains, But she said nothing. She was thinking of the curious impersonapty of his desire for a son.康妮并不喜欢这链索的话,但是她并不说什么,她觉得他那种求于的欲望是怪异地不尽人情的。

4.However, Mancini has now revealed that he would be keen on bringing Shevchenko to Inter if he ever wanted to leave Stamford Bridge.但是,曼奇尼现在已经表明一旦舍甫琴柯打算离开斯坦福桥,他很希望将舍甫琴柯带到国际米兰。

5.My father was not too keen on the idea of being back in the rat, but I assure him that this time it would be nothing pke that.我父亲是不太热衷于构思,重新回到中的作用但我向他保证,可是这个时候便没有这样的。

6.It seems as if there will be an air of change weeping through Vinovo as the club are also allegedly keen on Udinese stopper Cristian Zapata.看样子似乎是“沃的空气将会改变”俱乐部同时也在关注乌迪内斯的后卫赞帕塔。

7.Unfortunately, people seem to be very keen on taking advantage of the bug, so there's a large population of cheaters to deal with.不幸的是,人们似乎很热衷于利用该缺陷的优势,所以这是一个人口众多的作弊处理。

8.Christian Vieri is on the verge of his third transfer within a year with Sampdoria keen on his signature, according to reports.据报道,在桑普多利亚热衷于签约的情况下,克里斯蒂安。维埃里正在一年内第三次转会的边缘。

9.It is not merely the fact that your boss is so keen on overtaking you, it's having to start the day seeing him in his Speedos.不仅仅因为你的老板十分想超过你,还因为你每天伊始都必须观瞻他身着Speedo泳裤的尊容。

10.He rarely switches on to hear any of the classical music he professes to be so keen on.他很少收听他声称感兴趣的古典音乐。