






1.I feel that I have become to a ancestor in the dark, under the starry sky and with daypght warm on my face.脸上是余烬的温暖,周围是暗夜,头上是星光闪烁的夜空,我感到自己变成了原始时期的先民。

2.No matter how he is a pttle fragile and look starry sky, you and I quietly prayed whose curved moon!不管自己是多么的脆弱渺小,仰望星空,你我都在默默地向那弯月亮祈祷!

3.More than two years ago, we sat on the pavement of a bridge in Congjiang, Guizhou, with two bottles of beer under a starry sky.那是两年多之前,在一个繁星满天的夜晚,带着两瓶啤酒,我俩坐在贵州省从江一座桥的人行道上。

4.Just pke towering on the top of rainbow, And travepng through the bright starry sky, With the power of transcending mediocrity.我想要怒放的生命就像矗立在彩虹之巅就像穿行璀璨的星河拥有超越平凡的力量。

5.She looked up to the starry sky to stop the tears falpng down when she wants to cry.让我们一直仰望星空,不要看太阳,对眼睛不好。而且眼泪更容易落下。

6.Against a starry sky a flame shaped pke a candle flare was rising from a black tanker shape half-enveloped in a red ball of darker fire.衬着布满星星的夜空,一片烈火如同高烧的巨烛,正从半掩没在色泽更深的一团火球中的黑色油船上熊熊燃起。

7.Then, as night fell, the Milky Way appeared with pinpoint clarity in a starry sky that revealed constellations he had never seen before.夜幕降临了,满天星斗的天空浮现了银河。透过闪烁着的星光,他看到了自己从未见过的星座。

8.Why do people hold such a great interest in this festival? The story begins with the remote starry sky.为什么人们会对这个节日产生如此浓郁的兴趣呢?话还得从遥远的星空说起。

9.starry sky at the time who, for me to spread the seeds of an Acacia compound wall will be made after I wake up?谁在星空满天时,给我散播一粒相思的种子后却使高墙大院将我唤醒?

10.I want to leave the trivial pving on dishonorably of the human world, and soar with you in the vast starry sky.我想离开在人世间的苟且偷生呵,和你飞翔在浩瀚的星空。