




1.印度快报合作的第一张融合音乐唱片。紧接着他于1983年推出的《西班牙浪潮(Spanish Wave)》和1984年的《印度快车Indian Ex

5.印度快报网站近几个月来,中国开始给皇家尼泊尔军队予援肋。此外,印度时报Indian Express)在2005年11月报导说,尼泊尔向中国购 …

7.印度快邮 根据印度快邮 (Indian Express) 报导,去年一月就有百多名少女在庙宇卖淫,成为庙妓。而且,当地警察还拒绝干预。


1.But the "Indian Express" reported that these children's parents said they only pubpc hospital in this blood transfusion to the child.但是《印度快报》报道说,这些孩子的父母称,他们只在这家公立医院给孩子输过血。

2.According to the Indian Express, a newspaper, he is now asking Satyam for the money back.据一家报纸IndianExpress报道,他正在向萨蒂扬要求返往资金。

3.Recently, "Indian Express" , "The Times of India" on some fragments of the book contacted Lelyveld.日前《印度快报》、《印度时报》就书中的一些片断联系了莱利维尔德。

4."How can we possess his passport when we don't even know him? " Saturday's The Indian Express quoted Bansal saying.而《印度快报》援引邦萨尔所长的话说:“我们怎么可能替一个不认识的人保管护照?”

5."It is in times of adversity that one learns who one's friends are, " the Indian Express wrote in a piece lambasting China.《印度快报》(IndianExpress)在一篇严厉抨击中国的文章中写道:“患难之中才知道谁是朋友。”

6.Jet Airways suffered a loss of nearly US$8 milpon a day during the strike, according to the Indian Express newspaper.据印度快报报道,罢工期间,捷特航空公司每日损失将近8百万美金。