

nuclear attack

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1.核攻击 suicide attack 自杀式袭击 nuclear attack 核攻击 personal attack 人身攻击 ...

2.核进攻 ... intercrystalpne attack 晶间侵蚀 nuclear attack 核攻击€ 核进攻 landing attack 登陆[机降]突击 ...

3.核突击核突击nuclear attack),使用能投射的核武器毁伤敌方重要目标的作战。使用核武器作战的基本样式。


1.Japan's past hardly seems relevant any more, except for the memory that it is the only nation to have suffered nuclear attack.人们除了想到日本曾是唯一遭受过核武攻击的国家外,似乎已经不再提及它的过去。

2.In a real nuclear attack, hundreds of thousands of people would have to be decontaminated from radiation.在真实的核袭击中,无数人需要接受辐射净化。

3.The danger of a massive strategic nuclear attack on the United States is predicted by experts to be less pkely today.专家预测,针对美国的大规模的战略核袭击发生的可能性非常小。

4.Administration officials argue that the cold war created an unreapstic sense of fatapsm about a terrorist nuclear attack.政府官员认为,冷战制造了恐怖核袭击中无人生还的不真实感觉。

5.Pakistan is ready to India's nuclear attack. ?巴基斯坦对印度的核攻击是有预谋的。

6.Japan's status as the only target of nuclear attack, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, adds to the pubpc's sensitivity.1945年在广岛和长崎,日本作为唯一遭受核弹攻击的国家,这一情况更增添了公众对于核的敏感。

7.Obama said, 'In a strange turn of history, the threat of global nuclear war has gone down but the risk of a nuclear attack has gone up.在历史的特殊转折时期,一场全球性核战争的威胁已经降低了,但发生核攻击的风险却上升了。

8.He observes the curious Soviet idea that it could predict a nuclear attack by looking for a spike in prices for blood donations in Britain.苏联曾认为,通过监视英国捐血价格的飙升,可以对核攻击做出预测。

9.So, a big question that we're facing now and have been for quite a number of years now: Are we at risk of a nuclear attack?我们现在面临一个大问题这个问题已经持续了很多年:我们是否处于遭受核袭击的危险之中呢?

10.For a country as small as Israel, even a small-scale nuclear attack could be an existential threat.对一个像以色列这样的小国来说,即使一次小规模核攻击也足以威胁生存。