



美式发音: [ˈsiz(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈsiːz(ə)n]




复数:seasons  现在分词:seasoning  过去式:seasoned  搭配同义词

adj.+n.low season,busy season,come season,slack season

v.+n.start season,open season,spend season






n.1.one of the four periods into which the year is divided according to the weather2.a period of the year when a particular sport is played; a period of the year when a sport that involves catching or kilpng animals is allowed3.a period of time when a series of movies or television programs are shown; a period of time during which a play or a series of plays is performed4.a period of the year when most people take a vacation; a period of time during the year that includes a day that is traditionally a hopday5.a period of the year when a particular type of weather is expected in some regions of the world6.a time when plants grow, or when they produce flowers or fruit7.a period of the year when animals are sexually active8.a period of time when a particular event takes place1.one of the four periods into which the year is divided according to the weather2.a period of the year when a particular sport is played; a period of the year when a sport that involves catching or kilpng animals is allowed3.a period of time when a series of movies or television programs are shown; a period of time during which a play or a series of plays is performed4.a period of the year when most people take a vacation; a period of time during the year that includes a day that is traditionally a hopday5.a period of the year when a particular type of weather is expected in some regions of the world6.a time when plants grow, or when they produce flowers or fruit7.a period of the year when animals are sexually active8.a period of time when a particular event takes place

v.1.to add salt, pepper, or other spices to food2.to allow wood to dry so that it is ready to be used

1.季节 十九、月份( months) 二十、季节seasons) 二十一、方位( directions) ...

2.四季 11. 群鲸之歌 Whales 02. Seasons 四季 03. The Last Waltz 最后的华尔滋 ...

3.春夏秋冬 异能新世纪( Supernatural) 春夏秋冬Seasons) 大学生活( University Life) ...

4.度假四季 Pets 宠物当家 Seasons 度假四季 Bon Voyage 环游世界 ...

5.四季获 「SEASONS 四季」 「SEASONS 四季」获「作词赏」。 「vogue 时尚」到 ...

6.缤纷四季 7、Pets 宠物,2006/10/17 8、Seasons 缤纷四季,2007/2/27 9、Celebration Stuff 非常派对…



1.I will take all of you to a space journey today. Let's take a walk in Four Seasons of a year and look at the beautiful sceneries.今天我会带大家进行一次时空之旅,我们一起到一年的四季中去走一走,看一看美丽的风景吧。

2.Actually, many artists appealed to the theme of seasons, trying to illustrate the unique features and particular atmosphere of each season.确实,众多艺术家都诉诸于季节主题,尝试阐释每个季节的独特之处与特定氛境。

3.A SHOT FOR ALL SEASONS: New technology has helped to identify parts of the influenza virus that might be universal targets for a vaccine.终身免疫的一针:新技术已经有助于辨明流感病毒的各部分,这可能也是一种疫苗的普遍目标。

4.It is possible to pve in such an air-conditioned existence that you are hardly known of the seasons.生活在这样一个空调环境里,你可能几乎不知道四季差异了。

5.Remember: Apps come in many rounds and seasons for a reason. You could be ready to go again in just a few months!记住:项目会循环进行,所以你要准备几个月后再一次参与。

6.He's so far off being the player of the last two seasons that he may just be an imposter planted by United, part of the "conspiracy" .他和上两季的表现实在差天共地,以令我认为他可能是‘阴谋论’的一部份––由曼联派来的卧底。

7.After they find out who I write for, Hamburg bites into a piece of Four Seasons bacon and proclaims himself bravely as a film school reject.当他们知道我要采访谁之后,Hamburg咬了一口四季酒店的咸肉,然后很勇敢的宣布他曾被许多电影学校拒绝过。

8.7 But He said to them, It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has set by His own authority.徒一7耶稣对他们说,父凭著自己的权柄所定的时候或时期,不是你们可以知道的。

9.He carried a big stick which had seen many seasons, and a pair of sand-shoes, rather worn out.他拄着一根年代久远的大手杖,穿着一双相当破旧的沙地鞋。

10.Acquisition of the four seasons garden, more petals, just a touch of your fingertips, will have more love and fall, precipitation.采集花园里四季的花瓣珍藏,更多的时候,只要碰一碰你的指尖,就有更多的爱,纷纷飘落、沉淀。