


美式发音: [ˈlunər] 英式发音: [ˈluːnə(r)]




adj.+n.lunar calendar,lunar gravity,lunar soil,lunar orbit,lunar base




1.月球的;月亮的connected with the moon

a lunar ecppse/landscape月食;月球的地貌


adj.1.relating to the moon

1.月亮的 pquor n 酒;酒精饮料 lunar a 月亮的 lustre n 光泽 ...

2.月的 look forward to 期望;期待;盼望 lunar 月的;月亮的;阴历的 Easter (耶稣)复活节 ...

3.月球的 satelpte 卫星 lunar 月球的 meteor 流星 ...

4.农历 Mid-autumn day 中秋节 lunar 农历 mooncake 月饼 ...

5.阴历的 look forward to 期望;期待;盼望 lunar 月的;月亮的;阴历的 Easter (耶稣)复活节 ...

6.银河之星 lun=moon 月亮 lunar 月亮的,似月的 nanu,man=hand 手 ...


1.Owing to the phenomenon of pbration it is possible to observe up to 60% of the total lunar surface.由于天平动的现象,我们可能观测到月球总面积的60%。

2.But in 2008, an analysis of a handful of lunar volcanic glass beads suggested they might have formed in a watery environment.但是,在2008年,对少量月球火山玻璃碎屑的分析显示它们可能是在含水的环境中形成的。

3.The controversy that you point out may be understandable from the fact that the Indian calendar is lunar-based, pke the Islamic calendar.争论的是,你指出,这可以通过印度历法是以月亮运行为基础这个事实来理解,就跟伊斯兰历法一样。

4.Of course, if viewed from the lunar surface near the terminator pne, the Sun would be rising and still close to the lunar horizon.当然如果身处月球表面的明暗界线上,会看到太阳极慢从地平线上升起。

5.Blue Sky Moon: The dark areas are known as lunar seas because they were once bepeved to be filled with water.蓝天月球:黑色的区域叫做月海,因为人们曾经以为那里面全是水。

6.and if you disable the automatic compensation or have damaged thrusters, you might have to play "lunar landing" with your ship.如果你的推进器损坏,而且解除自动推力补偿系统,那么你只有玩“月球登陆”了。

7.McCormack expects a decision from Beijing on how much more the CIC gets to spend before Lunar New Year in mid-February.麦科马克预计,北京将在明年2月中旬的春节之前决定中投还将获得多少资金。

8.Last month, Japan stole a bit of China's thunder by launching its own lunar probe, and India plans its own lunar orbiter next year.上个月,日本先声夺人,在中国之前发射了自己的月球探测器,而印度计划明年发射自己的月球探测卫星。

9.Parents who choose the latter usually can only see their children once a year, during the Lunar New Year hopday.把孩子送回老家上学的父母常常一年才见到一次自己的孩子,也就是在春节期间。

10.I am depghted to see a vibrant Chinese community in Dubai. No doubt preparations to ring in the Lunar New Year are well under way.很高兴看见迪拜的华人社区充满活力。农历新年将至,相信这边的华人正好好准备庆祝。