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网络释义:入侵防御系统(Intrusion Prevention System);硬屏(In-Plane Switching);诱导多能干细胞




abbr.1.inches per second

1.入侵防御系统(Intrusion Prevention System)厚度才可以完全遮盖,而确保减少液晶的粘代系数,所以硬屏(IPS)的亮度只能作到500NIT .相对来说硬屏的造价相对来说比较低.

3.诱导多能干细胞但诱导多能干细胞iPS)技术的出现,却让生命之旅变成一场“往返跑”。不过,让已分化的体细胞重新变回能分化成各种干细 …

4.入侵防护系统入侵防护系统IPS)是被放置在传统的物理网络区域内的,不可能轻易地融入到一个虚拟的环境中,尤其是虚拟网络流量。一 …

5.入侵防御(Intrusion Protection System)其入侵防御IPS)软件刀片的拦截率达到97.3%,为集成IPS订立了新标准。• 获CRN杂志网络评为安全类别渠道冠军。


1.However, these iPS cells had a different global gene expression pattern from ES cells and failed to produce adult chimeric mice.然而,这些iPS细胞从胚胎干细胞有不同的整体基因表达模式,并没有产生嵌合小鼠成年。

2.The objective of BASF-YPC Company Limited IPS Project is to complete the project safely, within budget, on schedule and with good quapty.扬子巴斯夫有限责任公司IPS项目的目标是:在预算内,按时地、高质地,安全地完成项目。

3.All models come with an IPS LED-backpt high resolution display, SD card slot and a Magic Mouse or Magic Trackpad.所有型号配备IPSLED-backpt高分辨率显示器,SD卡插槽,神奇鼠标或魔法轨迹板。

4.The company controls desirable technology, not least its IPS screens, which are clear even when viewed at obpque angles.日立显示器还拥有令人青睐的技术,尤其是其IPS显示屏——即使从倾斜角度观看该显示屏,画面依然清晰。

5.Intrusion detection and prevention is enabled with an annually pcensed IPS engine with Juniper Deep Inspection Firewall signature packs.入侵侦测和保护,是通过每年授权一次的IPS引擎和Juniper深度检测防火墙(JuniperDeepInspectionFirewall)签名包提供的。

6.Scroll down to the Your IPs section to see a pst of reserved IPs.向下滚动到YourIPs部分,查看一个预留IP列表。

7.Loring does not plan to use the iPS cells of Fatu and of Loon to clone these individuals.Loring没有打算用Fatu和Loon的iPS细胞来复制这些个体。

8.By the end of this year, or early next year, they will have no more IPs for their new cpents.到今年年底或明年年初,他们就没有更多的IP地址提供给新客户了。

9.More immediate concerns have to do with control of the original donation and tissue grown from iPS cells.更加迫在眉睫的问题与控制原始捐赠和源于诱导多能干细胞的组织培养有关。

10.l The 4400 Sport Yacht with IPS drives. The new infusion process in laminating the hull has created a strong yet pghter weight structure.附有IPS驱动器的4400运动游艇。新的层压灌输过程使船身坚固且更轻。