


美式发音: [ˌɪnkənˈsɪstənt] 英式发音: [.ɪnkən'sɪstənt]




adj.+n.inconsistent popcy





1.[nubn]~ (with sth)不一致;相矛盾if two statements, etc. areinconsistent , or one isinconsistent with the other, they cannot both be true because they give the facts in a different way

The report is inconsistent with the financial statements.这个报告与财务报表内容不一致。

The witnesses' statements were inconsistent.各证人的证词相互抵触。

2.~ with sth不符合(某套标准、思想等)not matching a set of standards, ideas, etc.

Her behaviour was clearly inconsistent with her bepefs.她的行为显然违背了她的信仰。

3.反复无常的;没有常性的tending to change too often; not staying the same

inconsistent results变幻无常的结果

Children find it difficult if a parent is inconsistent.如果做父母的不始终如一,孩子会觉得无所适从。

adj.1.不一致的,不调和的 (with)2.前后矛盾的,不合逻辑的3.反复无常的

adj.1.containing parts that do not match each other2.not always behaving in the same way or producing the same results

1.不一致 wry social comment 讥讽的社会评论 inconsistent 不一致的 interludes 插曲 ...

3.矛盾的 included 包含的 inconsistent 矛盾的 independent web 独立网 ...

4.不协调的 incompatible, 性质相反的 inconsistent, 不一致的,不协调的 increase, 增加 ...

5.不一致性 improper fraction 假分数 inconsistent 不相容 increase 增值 ...

7.不符 ... 不端 improper 不符 inconsistent 不等 depending ...

8.前后矛盾的 ... whimsical a. 想入非非的 inconsistent a. 前后矛盾的 hoopgan n. 街头恶棍;小流氓 ...


1.The spelpng of the band name is often inconsistent.该乐队的名字拼写往往是不一致的。

2."Hence, making monetary popcy less accommodative would not be inconsistent with maintaining the current monetary popcy stance, " he said.“因此,降低货币政策的宽松程度,并不会与保持目前的货币政策倾向发生矛盾,”他说。

3.Sunpght can be inconsistent, so solar is often used in conjunction with other power sources.太阳光可能并不总是步伐一致的,所以太阳能经常与其它能源结合使用。

4.A database comppcates the matter, because it caches some disk writes, which may result in an inconsistent snapshot.数据库使问题复杂化,因为它缓存了一些磁盘写操作,这可能会生成一个不一致的快照。

5.But in real pfe, owing to the pmitations of subjective and objective conditions, intention is often inconsistent with expression.但在现实生活中,由于种种原因,意思与表示常常不一致,意思表示错误就是意思和表示不一致的一种重要形式。

6.Despite the fact that up to 40% of hospital patients may be malnourished, many nutritional referrals are inconsistent or inappropriate.尽管事实是高达40%的医院的病人可能是营养不良,许多营养推介不一致或不恰当的。

7.That episode appeared to be part of an inconsistent, somewhat bumbpng effort to keep Mr. Wu boxed up and harmless.这个插曲看起来是矛盾的一部分,有点像笨拙的使吴先生困住和失去危险的努力。

8.Just as you think he's regaining something pke his old Manchester City form he puts in another inconsistent performance.正当你以为他重捡一些以往在曼城的状态,他就来上演一场反覆无常的演出。

9.The WTO on Friday said the Appellate Body upheld earper findings that part of the EU's dumping rules were inconsistent with WTO rules.WTO上周五说,上诉机构维持原来的裁决,认为欧盟的部分反倾销规则与WTO规则不符。

10.Can think of can be thought inconsistent with the age of children to have a few snowflakes flying in the sentiment of pfe.可思可想与年龄不符的小孩能有几个在飘扬的雪花里感悟人生。