


美式发音: [ˈfɔrˌber] 英式发音: [ˈfɔː(r)beə(r)]




第三人称单数:forbears  现在分词:forbearing  过去式:forbore  过去分词:forborne  同义词

v.refrain,restrain yourself,abstain,hold back,withhold



1.[i][t]克制;自制;忍住(不说话或不做某事)to stop yourself from saying or doing sth that you could or would pke to say or do

He wanted to answer back, but he forbore from doing so.他想顶嘴,但是忍住了。

She forbore to ask any further questions.她克制自己,不再进一步提问。



v.1.(-bore -borne ) 忍耐,容忍 (with) 克制,节制,戒 (from)2.抑制,节制;忍住,忍受,忍耐


n.1.Same as forebear

v.1.to stop yourself from doing or saying something, especially in a way that shows that you are popte or patient

na.1.The variant of forebear

1.克制 flown 飞行的,飞行 forbear 忍耐;克制 forbore 抑制 ...

2.忍受 extraterritorial 治外法权的 forbear 忍受 foreground 前景 ...

3.忍耐 flown 飞行的,飞行 forbear 忍耐;克制 forbore 抑制 ...

4.容忍 forage 饲料 forbear 容忍 forbid 禁止 ...

5.节制 fpng 抛 forbear 节制 foresee 预见 ...

6.自制 footnote 脚注 forbear 自制;忍耐 forbid 禁止 ...

7.隐忍 E——elegant( 优雅的) F——forbear隐忍) G——gentleman( 绅士) ...

8.忍住 ... ecology n. 生态学 forbear v. 忍住 indifference n. 漠不关心;冷淡 ...


1.Transported with this idea, she could not forbear acting with her head the thought that passed in her mind, when down came the can of milk!这样的想法使她雀跃不已,忍不住动了一下她的头,牛奶罐掉了下来!

2.I made it a rule to forbear all direct contradiction to the sentiments of others, and all positive assertion of my own.我给自己规定,不得直接驳斥别人观点,不得断然肯定自己意见。

3.As you know that programming can't replace all as a conclusion you don't have to bear and forbear for the sake of work.要知道编程并不是一切,你不必因为工作而一忍再忍。

4.i cannot bear to see a bear bearing down upon a hare . when bare of hair he strips the hare , right there i cry , " forbear ! "我实在不忍心看着大熊一步一步向野兔逼近。当大熊差不多将野兔所有的毛都拔光时,我大叫:“忍住啊!”

5.Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.避免走极端.容忍令人愤慨的伤害与中伤,只要你还认为它们是应得的。

6.forbear from sending her to prison, on condition that she promised not to steal again.法官说他可以不送她进监狱,条件是她必须保证以后不再偷窃。

7.Moderation: Avoid extreams; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.九、中庸:避免走极端,容忍别人给你的伤害,认为是你应该承受之事。

8.MODERATION. Avoid extreme; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.避免极端,克制你认为别人应得的怨恨和伤害。

9.Moderation: Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.中庸:避免极端;人若给你应得处罚,你当容忍之。

10.There is one topic connected with this subject which I tremble when I approach, and yet I cannot forbear to notice it.有一个与这个问题相关的话题,每次提及这话题,便使我发抖。