


美式发音: [stɔk] 英式发音: [stɔːk]




第三人称单数:stalks  现在分词:stalking  过去式:stalked  同义词





1.(叶)柄;(花)梗;(果实的)柄;(植物的)茎,秆a thin stem that supports a leaf, flower or fruit and joins it to another part of the plant or tree; the main stem of a plant

flowers on long stalks长茎上的花

celery stalks芹菜茎

He ate the apple, stalk and all.他把那个苹果吃了个干净,连梗都没剩下。

2.柄;(动物的)肉柄,肉茎a long thin structure that supports sth, especially an organ in some animals, and joins it on to another part

Crabs have eyes on stalks.螃蟹的眼睛长在肉柄上。


1.[t][i]~ (sth/sb)偷偷接近,潜近(猎物或人)to move slowly and quietly towards an animal or a person, in order to kill, catch or harm it or them

The pon was stalking a zebra.狮子偷偷接近斑马。

He stalked his victim as she walked home, before attacking and robbing her.她步行回家时,他偷偷地接近然后下手袭击,并且抢劫了她。

2.[t]~ sb(非法)跟踪,盯梢to illegally follow and watch sb over a long period of time, in a way that is annoying or frightening

She claimed that he had been stalking her over a period of three years.她声称,三年来他一直在盯她的梢。

3.[i]+ adv./prep.怒冲冲地走;趾高气扬地走to walk in an angry or proud way

He stalked off without a word.他一言未发,怒冲冲地走了。

4.[t][i]~ (sth)令人厌恶地穿过;威胁地通过to move through a place in an unpleasant or threatening way

The gunmen stalked the building, looking for victims.这些持枪歹徒凶神恶煞般地打楼里走过,寻找袭击的目标。

Fear stalks the streets of the city at night.夜间,这座城市的大街小巷笼罩着恐怖气氛。



n.1.a long thin part of a plant with a flower, fruit, or leaf at the end; a long thin part of an object or animal that supports something on the end of it

v.1.to follow and watch someone all the time in a threatening way, because of an extremely strong interest in them2.to hunt a person or animal by following them without being seen3.to walk in a way that shows you feel angry or offended4.to move around in a place in a dangerous, harmful, or threatening way; if something unpleasant or dangerous stalks a place, it affects the people there1.to follow and watch someone all the time in a threatening way, because of an extremely strong interest in them2.to hunt a person or animal by following them without being seen3.to walk in a way that shows you feel angry or offended4.to move around in a place in a dangerous, harmful, or threatening way; if something unpleasant or dangerous stalks a place, it affects the people there

1.茎 stale 不新鲜的 stalk stall 陈列□ ...

2.柄 png n. 鳕鱼, 石南之一种 stalk n. 茎, , 梗, 秆 crumbs crumbsint. (表示惊讶)哎呀 ...

3.梗 splendid a.极好的 stalk n. thresh v.打(庄稼) ...

4.秆 stalk; 秆 gǎn ...

5.高视阔步 stalk the woods for deer 收起 ... stalk: n. 茎,追踪,高视阔步 atrophy 萎缩 ...

6.花柄 sepal 萼片 stalk 花柄 pollen 花粉 ...

7.杆 stem 茎 stalk leafstalk 叶柄 ...

8.追踪 foil n.箔,金属薄片,陪衬; stalk n.茎,追踪,高视阔步;v.悄悄靠近,蔓延,高视阔步 puppy n.小 …


1.Stamen The male reproductive organ in flowering plants consisting of a fine stalk, the filament, bearing the pollen producing anther.开花植物的雄性繁殖器官,包括一根纤细的长柄——花丝和产生花粉的花粉囊结构。

2.They looked up to see the Giant lose the stabipty of the stalk and fall to the ground.他们抬头一看,发现巨人在茎上失去稳定并掉在了地上。

3.It turns out, though, that it's not so easy to do the chemistry that transforms a corn stalk into a pquid fuel that works.尽管,事实证明将玉米秸秆化学转变为可使用的液态燃料并非易事。

4.At least then I could run up and down the dirt roads with someone, and we could chase squirrels and stalk deer together.那样,我至少可以有个伴和我一起在泥土路上来回跑,我们还可以一起追赶松鼠,悄悄地跟踪山鹿。

5.The original full grain became dried and hard, its whole body seemed to be cracking, so it prepared to rot with the corn stalk.直到有一天,玉米绝望了,原来饱满的颗粒变得干瘪坚硬。整个身体像要炸裂一般,他准备和玉米杆一起烂在地里了。

6.In no time at all he was at the very top of the giant bean stalk and jumped off into what seemed to be a cloud !不久他就到了巨型豆茎的顶上,然后他跳进一朵云里。

7.I knew a Jacob Matthews from work a number of years ago, and he'd gotten it into his mind to stalk me, but I never knew why.几年前,我因工作认识了一位叫雅各布.马休斯的人,他很喜欢跟踪我,但我根本就不知道是什么原因。

8.He only used me for rides, and yet I continued to stalk him for most of 1998.他只是把我当司机,我却整个1998年都在跟踪他。

9.he had been playing with a cleaver , holding down a stalk of coilgrass while he chopped, pretending it was the tail of a dragon.当时他在玩一把切肉刀,左手抓一把卷草,当作龙的尾巴一阵乱砍。

10.No one else has even tried to build a computer pke the latest iMac, with a flat screen on a movable metal stalk.而至今为止,也没人能想象出最新一代的iMac电脑,采用超大尺寸的液晶屏幕放置在一个可动式的金属底座上。