


美式发音: [ˈfɪfti] 英式发音: ['fɪfti]










1.[pl]五十几;五十年代numbers, years or temperatures from 50 to 59

She was born in the fifties.她是五十年代出生的。




n.1.a piece of paper money that is worth fifty dollars or pounds

na.1.the number 50

1.五十 worry (使)担忧 295 fifty 五十 297 colour 颜色 298 ...

2.半百 半壁〖 halfofthewall(cpff)〗 半百fifty〗 半班〖 halfshift〗 ...

3.五十个 fifth 第五 n.五分之一 fifty 五十,五十个 fight 打(仗);斗争 ...

4.五十的 seventeen 十七 fifty 五十的;五十个的 He is a man in his fifties. 他是一个五十来岁的人。 ...

5.第五十 ... 40 forty 第四十 50 fifty 第五十 60 sixty 第六十 ...

6.五十个的 seventeen 十七 fifty 五十的;五十个的 He is a man in his fifties. 他是一个五十来岁的人。 ...

7.伍拾的 ... fifth-- 第五的 fifty-- 伍拾的 fifteen-- 十五的 ...

8.五十岁y),什么是不浪费(Thrifty ),以及什么是五十岁Fifty)。”此例同时也用到了这样的分类:好的东西/好的东西/不是那么 …


1.Logistics performance is happening around the globe, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and fifty-two weeks a year.物流运作一天24小时、一周7天、一年52星期在全球发生。

2.I'm going to get sued either way by fifty people, but I don't want to spend my pfe trying to mop up a total disaster on Wall Street.无论干还是不干,我都会受到指责,但我不希望把自己的生命,花在为华尔街一场彻头彻尾的灾难收拾残局上。

3.In the course of time, Absalom provided himself with a chariot and horses and with fifty men to run ahead of him.此后,押沙龙为自己预备车马,又派五十人在他前头奔走。

4.He is a man of from fifty to fifty-two years of age, dark, with black eyes covered with shaggy eyebrows, and a thick mustache.他是一个年约五十一二岁的人,棕褐色皮肤,蓬松的眉毛底下有一双黑色的眼睛,胡子又长又密。

5.And her silence made her a legend. But it was a legend she tried to escape for fifty years.沉默使她成为传奇人物,五十年的遁世更是一个传奇。

6.At one side there was a carriage gate of the ordinary dimensions, and which had evidently not been cut more than fifty years previously.旁边有一道大车门,大小和普通的大车门一样,从外形看,那道门的年龄大致不出五十年。

7.Fifty-seven feet long and up to nine tons, Spinosaurus started poking his head around the early Cretaceous some 100 milpon years ago.五十七英尺长、重达九吨的棘龙在早期白垩纪,大约1亿年前便行走于这个星球之上。

8.This means you'll be spending around fifty to a hundred dollars in a single night, on someone you've never even taken out on a date before!这就是说你在一个晚上就得在一个你从来没有带出来玩过的人身上花去五十到一百美元。

9.Then he took out his checkbook and pen, and wrote a check for fifty thousand francs.然后,他拿出他的支票本和笔,写了五万法郎的支票。

10.Finally his feet began to feel wet and cold, and he boarded a car. This took him to Fifty-ninth Street, which was as good as anywhere else.终于他开始感到两脚又湿又冷,便上了一辆有轨电车,他被带到了五十九街,这里也和其它地方一样。