


美式发音: [oʊˈbisəti] 英式发音: [əʊˈbiːsəti]








n.1.a condition in which someone is too fat in a way that is dangerous for their health

na.1.The variant of obeseness

1.肥胖 rickets 佝偻病 obesity 过度肥胖 vitamin 维生素 ...

4.单纯性肥胖考试的三篇文章中有两篇考到了配对题,分别是第一篇“肥胖问题”(Obesity)的人名理论配对题和第二篇“嗅觉问题”(Sense of S…

8.肥胖医学期刊  这项研究结果,已经在美国肥胖医学会三月份肥胖医学期刊(obesity)上发表,黄俊豪医师表示,虽然一般大众就知道肥胖是疾病 …


1.Researcher Frank Biro said rising rates of obesity could be a major reason why girls seem to be developing faster.研究员,弗兰克毕诺说,女孩的较早较快的发育的主要原因是患肥胖症的比率增加了。

2.What was encouraging was that we saw some decpne in obesity, (but) we saw an increase in the racial disparities.令人鼓舞的是我们确实看到肥胖症发生率的下降,但是我们也看到肥胖症在种族之间的悬殊差异。

3.Exactly what that factor is -- from increased childhood obesity to competitive training -- sparked a bit of debate among pediatricians.至于确切的因素是什么,是因为小胖墩儿越来越多还是因为比赛训练的增多,在儿科医师中间引发了一些争论。

4.The association made the warning on the eve of an obesity-testing operation it was to carry out in 83 French towns and villages.该会在对法国83个村镇展开肥胖检测行动前夕,提出以上警告。

5.The presence of hepatic fibrosis seems to be associated with known host and viral factors as well as the presence of abdominal obesity.肝纤维化的存在可能与已知的宿主和病毒因素以及腹部肥胖有关。

6.Obesity as a signal of unhealthy pfestyles cannot be masked, just as the high costs of care cannot be masked.肥胖反映了不健康的生活方式,这是无法掩盖的,医护费用高昂也是无法遮掩的。

7.Tang-Peronard says that it is impossible, now, to tease out how much of obesity is caused by chemicals, and how much by energy balance.Tang-Peronard称,现在我们不可能整理出有多少肥胖症是源起于化学品,有多少是出自于能源不均衡。

8.It was that information the NEJM authors mined to explore obesity in the context of a social network.正是由于这个信息,使得研究者对社会关系对肥胖的影响产生了兴趣。

9."But, as the amount of sleep became shorter and the regularity of sleep became less organized, the risk for obesity increased, " he said.他还表示,那些达到了建议睡眠时间量的孩子并不存在会患上肥胖,糖尿病,以及心血管疾病的风险。

10.In 2010, we still rank as the world's fattest developed nation, with an obesity rate more than double that of many European nations.2010年,因为肥胖率比许多欧洲国家高一倍,我们仍然被列为最胖的发达国家。