




1.在我的口袋里 ... 9. on the ground 在地上 10. in my pocket 在我的口袋里 11. in front of 在……前面 ...

2.放在口袋的爱 Nothing will be changed 什么都不会改变 in my pocket 放在口袋的爱. Perfect630 悲哀的咸菜 2-15 ...

3.在我口袋里 just now 刚才 in my pocket 在我口袋里 the pear tree 梨树 ...

4.动物口袋 TOYBIZ 遥控车 in my pocket 动物口袋 KALEETO 电动娃娃 ...

5.口袋里只有 ... Is that your grandma's coat? 你身上穿的是你阿骂的大衣啊? Only got $20 in my pocket 口袋里只有20元 ...

6.时时伴我 ... In My Pocket 时时伴我 Among the many muted faces 在面无表情的众生中 ...



1.In my pocket, that photograph pulsed with an incessant force: I understood that it had become my heart.在我的口袋里,那张照片以持续不断的力量搏动着:我明白它已经成了我的心脏。

2.I said good-bye, my hand closed around the business card in my pocket, and went back out into the cold winter evening.我用手紧紧握住兜里的名片,说了声再见,就走回那寒冬的夜色之中。

3.I had money in my pocket and it wouldn't have killed me to hand over a buck or two even if he had been lying.我有钱,在我的口袋里,它就不会杀死我交了一个男的还是两个即使他一直在说谎。

4.Okay, well, then, how about this? I've got a gun in my pocket, and if you don't come with me, I'll blow your brains out.好的,呃,那么,这样怎么样?我口袋里有一支枪,如果你不跟我走,那么我就一枪崩了你!

5.He is dying of curiosity to see how much money in my pocket.他十分好奇地想知道我口袋里究竟有多少钱。

6.But I'll have it in my pocket when I get home, and I'll take it with me wherever I go from now on. Love to you, dad.但是我将带它(用玫瑰色看待人生)回家,并从现在开始无论去哪里,我都会带着它…

7.In a quiet moment of reflection today, I had a look at the name card in my pocket - my own name card.今天有一点安静的时间…拿了自己的名片来看看。

8.Back on the farm, I daydreamed about that dining hall chow and money in my pocket, and I felt compelled to check it out myself.回到农场以后,我做梦都想那里的餐厅和我口袋里的钱。

9.I'd been out hustpng all day, shining shoes, selpng newspapers, and I had googobs of money in my pocket.我整天都在外面忙,擦皮鞋,卖报纸,我口袋里有点小钱。

10.I looked all over the house for that letter, but it was in my pocket all the time.我在整个房子里找那封信,而它一直在我的口袋里。