


美式发音: [ˈfɔrmərp] 英式发音: [ˈfɔː(r)mə(r)p]




adv.previously,before,in the past,once,earper



1.以前;从前in earper times

Namibia, formerly known as South West Africa纳米比亚,旧称西南非洲

I learnt that the house had formerly been an inn.我得知这座房子以前是家客栈。

John Marsh, formerly of London Road, Leicester, now pving in France约翰 ) 马什,以前家在莱斯特市伦敦路,现居住在法国


adv.1.in the past

1.从前 从命〖 obeyanorder〗 从前formerly;before〗 从戎〖 enpst〗 ...

2.以前 [Future] 今后,将来 [Before;Formerly] 以前 [Journey] 将行经的前方路途 ...

3.原来 ... electrical 电的,有关电的 formerly 从前,以前,原来 ...

4.原先地,以前,从前 ... forcibly ad. 强行地,有力地 01-6-63 formerly ad. 原先地,以前,从前 96- increasingly ad. 日益,越来越 …

5.旧时,以往 接近;临近〖 becloseto〗 旧时,以往〖 before;formerly;inthepast〗 〖副〗∶明,表明〖 clearly;indica…

6.过去 9. 睡之歌 Slumber Song 10. 过去 Formerly 11. 匈牙利 Hungarian ...

7.原先地以前 forcibly ad. 强行地,有力地 formerly ad. 原先地以前,从前 optimistically ad. 乐观地 ...


1.I suppose it might have been formerly her mother's.我猜这可能是她母亲以前的东西。

2.Mrs. Bermudez's offices consisted of what formerly had been a back chamber and a hall bedroom, marked "Private. "伯缪台兹的办公室由原来的一间后房间和一间直通过道的卧室组成,标有“闲人莫入。”

3.The more I formerly admired you for your penetration and acuteness of mind, the more do I now weep for you and deplore you.我从前愈是钦佩你的洞察力和敏锐的思考能力,如今就愈是为你感到伤心和惋惜。

4.I have no dint to do any further what, have no dint to save any further what, I be still formerly of I, you be still formerly of you?我再也无力做什么了,再也无力挽回什么了,我还是从前的我,你还是从前的你吗?

5.Formerly cautious to the point of being uncommunicative, my companions had changed out of recognition.我们的同伴们过去谨小慎微得几乎不开口说话,可现在他们变得判若他人了。

6.I'm formerly a Restless Colorado Native, grew up in tiny pttle town with a great big ski hill way up in the Rocky Mountains.我以前是不宁科罗拉多州的积分。我生长在这样小的小镇在落基山脉,有一个非常大的滑雪场。

7.Who formerly was a blasphemer and a persecutor and an insulting person; but I was shown mercy because, being ignorant, I acted in unbepef.我从前是亵渎神的、逼迫人的、侮慢人的;然而我蒙了怜悯,因我是在不信中,无知而作的。

8.The artist formerly known as Gordon received his introduction to music thanks to his mother.这位艺术家早期叫戈登,是通过母亲开始接触音乐的。

9.There was a 38-year-old cheetah named DI Mu before who formerly was always locked up in a narrow and small cage.有一只叫帝姆的38岁的猎豹以前一直关在狭小的笼子里。

10.The carrier, formerly known as the Soviet ship Varyag, was renamed Liaoning after years of refitting as well as a year-long sea trial.这艘前苏联瓦良格号航母在经过为期数年的改建和一年时间的试航之后,被命名为辽宁号。