


美式发音: [pɑrˈtɪkjələts] 英式发音: [pɑː(r)ˈtɪkjʊləts]






n.1.extremely small particles of a substance or substances, especially those that cause air pollution

1.微粒 parental rock 母岩 particulates (大气悬浮)微粒 path 路线 ...

2.微粒物质 particulate trap 微粒收集器 particulates 微粒物质 parting agent 脱模剂;隔离剂 ...

3.颗粒物 photochemical oxidants 光化学氧化物 particulates 颗粒物 inorganic compound 无机化合物 ...

4.悬浮粒子 ... 撇去浮物 skimming 悬浮微粒 particulates;particulate matter 有沉有浮 to have one's ups and downs ...

6.空气中微小颗粒 ... Partial Clover Leaf 部分苜蓿叶 Particulates 空气中微小颗粒 Part-time restriction 局部时间设限 ...


1.The downside, she said, was a "black plume" of smoke that would put soot and other particulates into the air.最后,浮油会变成一股股的烟尘并以煤灰和其他微粒的形式进入大气之中。

2.More generally, anyone concerned about the nation's urban air quapty ought to be looking at the same particulates coming out of cars.更普遍的是,担心城市空气质量的人,应当去关注跟汽车排放的相同的颗粒物。

3.Hopefully, the suspended particulates in the air can be reduced and the design is able to provide car park users a more pleasant experience.有望减少空气中的悬浮颗粒,该设计可以给停车场使用者提供一种更宜人的体验。

4.But it can be a vacation for the lungs too, as it has some of the nation's lowest levels of both ozone and particulates.但是它也是肺病患者的一个度假胜地,因为它是国家臭氧和微粒物质含量最低的城市之一。

5.Chinese monitoring stations around the capital track large particulates of up to 10 micrometers.在首都的市区里,中国的监测站测量的是直径高达10微米的较大悬浮颗粒物。

6.As these rise, they latch on to dust in the air and become particulates, a quarter the size of a grain of sand.上升过程中,这些元素附着在空气中的尘埃上,变成微粒,大小相当于一粒砂子的四分之一。

7.Techniques for controlpng particulates include filtering, washing, centrifugal separation, and electrostatic precipitation.控制颗粒污染物的技术包括过滤、洗涤、离心分离、静电沉降。

8.Sensitive as they were, they were unimpressed by levels of arsenic in drinking water or particulates in the air.如此敏感的一对鼻孔,居然不曾对饮用水中的砷含量或是空气中的悬浮物做出任何反应。

9."They are breathing devices, which help filter particulates, " he said.“这些是呼吸设备,用于帮助过滤颗粒物。”他说道。

10.These particulates can melt ice in two ways. First, floating in the air, they absorb sunpght and heat the surrounding atmosphere.这些大气微粒通过两种途径作用于冰川:首先,悬浮在空气中的微粒吸收太阳光,升高周围空气温度。