





4.萨达姆的故乡堤克里特hemical Ap)的梅吉德也出身伊拉克北部的提克里特镇Tikrit),在美军於2003年为追捕海珊政权高官而印制的扑克牌中, …


1.the united nations has sent some equipment to help divers clean up the andaman sea . mr . tikrit is optimistic.联合国已经运送了一些设备帮助潜水员清理安达曼海,乌克里特对此表示乐观。

2.Bomb attacks in the Iraqi city of Tikrit, north of Baghdad, have killed at least 21 people.位于伊拉克首都巴格达北部的城市提克里特遭遇炸弹袭击,已造成至少21人死亡。

3.Saddam, which means "he who confronts, " was born in a village called al-Auja, outside of Tikrit in northern Iraq.萨达姆的意思是“对抗者”,他出生于伊拉克北部Tikrit外围的一个名叫al-Auja的小村庄。

4.Meanwhile, coaption troops advance toward Saddam's homeland of Tikrit.同时,联军部队向萨达姆的家乡Tikrit进军。

5.The violence took place at a local government building in Tikrit.该暴力事件发生在Tikrit当地一座政府建筑。

6.The numbers of cases are remaining stable in Basra, Baghdad, Dahuk, Mosul and Tikrit.巴士拉、巴格达、杜胡克、摩苏尔和提克里特的病例数保持稳定不变。

7.Bazee, a Reuters freelancer, was among more than 50 people killed when gunmen attacked a local government building in Tikrit.Bazee是路透社自由撰稿人,他是在提里库里当地政府大楼被袭中死亡的50个人之一。

8.Above left: A torn poster of Saddam Hussein hangs in Tikrit.上左:一个撕坏的萨达姆侯赛因海报挂在提克里特。

9.An injured Iraqi man is brought to a hospital in Tikrit, Iraq, August 6, 2006.322006年8月6日,一位受伤的伊拉克男子被送进医院。

10.On the 190km (118 miles) of road between Baghdad and Tikrit, to the north, there are more than 40.在巴格达和其以北的提克里特之间190公里(118英里)的公路上,有40多道检查站。