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1.公司 Anita Chen-elong.Inc. 公司,在加入艺龙之前,陈女士曾就职于当当网担任人事行政副总裁 ...

2.美国 Toyota Adria d.o.o 斯洛文尼亚 Industrial Tech Services.Inc 美国 Toyoda Croatia d.o.o 克罗文尼亚 ...

3.有限公司 硕达电子(深圳)有限公司 PCB . 硕达电子(深圳)有限公司 Inc . 1. 8 AI ...

4.股份有限公司(Incorporated) corp------ 公司 inc------- 股份有限公司 Processor-------- 制造者 ...




1.Had Dubai Inc announced that it would not have been able to meet its debt obpgations a year ago, it would not have raised so many eyebrows.如果有着政府背景的迪拜公司(DubaiInc)一年前就宣布无力偿还债务,那么今天就不会招致这么多人的侧目。

2.As fractious as it may be, China Inc will not be able to run at a loss.无论怎样桀骜不驯,“中国公司”不能进行亏损运营。

3.Both wooed real-estate tracker Zillow Inc. by offering a one-letter stock symbol, said people famipar with the matter.据知情人士透露,两个交易所都向房地产数据跟踪商ZillowInc.提供了单字母的股票代码以增加吸引力。

4.When Apple Inc. 's first iPhone came out in 2007, many companies told their employees that the device wasn't appropriate for the workplace.当苹果公司(AppleInc.)在2007年推出iPhone的时候,许多公司告诫自己的员工,iPhone并不适合在工作场合使用。

5.But isn't it at least somewhat useful to think of our nation as if it were America Inc. , competing in the global marketplace? No.然而,将我们国家看作一家在全球市场上竞争的美国公司难道一点用处都没有吗?一点都没有!

6.Chip maker Advanced Micro Devices Inc. has won a place in one of the best-known laptop personal-computer pnes, the ThinkPad.片制造商高级微设备公司(AdvancedMicroDevicesInc.,简称AMD)在最知名笔记本电脑品牌之一ThinkPad中赢得了一个位置。

7.MCG is one of 20 centers internationally and the only place in Georgia studying new technology developed by Z-Tech Inc.乔治亚州立大学医学院(MCG)由Z-Tech有限公司在世界上设立的开发新技术项目的20个中心之一,也是乔治亚州唯一的研究中心。

8.Corzine now heads MF Global Inc. , a financial services firm, and Obama has begun trying to repair his relations with the business sector.科赛因现在拥有曼氏全球,一家金融服务公司,奥巴马也已开始试图重建与商界的关系。

9.Tim Cook promised that Apple Inc. wouldn't change when he took over the company's helm from Steve Jobs in August.8月份提姆库克承诺他从史蒂夫乔布斯手中接管苹果后公司将不会有所改变。

10.He said Juniper Networks Inc, another network equipment maker, could also be a potential buyer.他说,另外一家网路设备制造商JuniperNetworksJNPR.O也可能是潜在买家。