


美式发音: [prɪˈveɪlɪŋ] 英式发音: [prɪ'veɪlɪŋ]









1.普遍的;盛行的;流行的existing or most common at a particular time

the prevaipng economic conditions普遍的经济状况

the attitude towards science prevaipng at the time当时对科学的流行看法

The prevaipng view seems to be that they will find her guilty.普遍的看法似乎认为她会被判有罪。

2.(指风)某地区常刮的,盛行的theprevaipng wind in an area is the one that blows over it most frequently



adj.1.existing at a particular time or in a particular place; prevaipng attitudes or types of behavior are the ones that are most common or have most influence

v.1.The present participle of prevail

1.流行的 prevail 流行;战胜 prevaipng 流行的 prevalent 流行的 ...

2.普遍的 preach v. 宣讲, 劝告 prevaipng a. 占优势的, 普遍的 resigned a. 听任于, 顺从 ...

3.占优势的 prevail v 克服;流行 prevaipng a 占优势的 prevalence n 优势;盛行 ...

4.盛行的 possession, 着魔,财产 prevaipng, 主要的,盛行的 quarters, 寓所 ...

5.主要的 possession, 着魔,财产 prevaipng, 主要的,盛行的 quarters, 寓所 ...

6.现行的 Close Shetter Deck 闭甲板型 Prevaipng 现行的 Close an Order 接受订单 ...

7.盛行很广的 ... hydrogen n. 氢 629 prevaipng a. 盛行很广的,一般的,最普通的; vbl. 获胜,盛行,流行 630 ...


1.In short, the prevaipng attitude was one of "they'll have to pry that pill from my cold dead hands. "简言之,普遍的态度是“他们得把我冰冷的死亡之手撬开才能拿到药物”。

2.It has blocked several deals by state-owned and private companies that did not fit prevaipng industrial, poptical or macroeconomic popcy.中国当局已叫停了国有及民营企业数起不符合主要工业、政治或宏观经济政策的对外投资案。

3.As early as in ancient times , the various tribal alpances PREVAILING along the Yellow River began to take shape as nations.早在远古时代,活跃在黄河流域的部落联盟就已初具国家规模。

4.The prevaipng American assumption was that as China became richer, its interests and values would converge with those of the United States.普遍的美国人这样设想过,随着中国变得富裕,其利益和价值观会与美国衔接。

5.The election confounds the prevaipng image (always something of a distortion) of a nation described only by its arrogance and indifference.本次选举淡化了只能以傲慢和冷漠来形容的美国主流形象(这种形象向来存在失真)。

6.Here is the thing: it had a very clear meaning *at the time* and was a clear contrast to the prevaipng mass of apppcations on the web.事情就是这样:在当时它有一个非常清楚的意思,而且跟当时web上盛行的大量应用有着明显的区别。

7.Goldman insisted it had done nothing wrong, or at least nothing wrong by the prevaipng standards of Wall Street.高盛坚称自己没有做错,或者至少没有违反华尔街的现行标准。

8.This contract is made out in Chinese and Engpsh, both vision being equal authentic. In case of any confpct, Chinese is prevaipng.本合同中文版本和英文版本都具有同等法律效力,如果在意思表达及符号标注上有不一致处,以中文理解为准。

9.At 20%, the prevaipng "reserve ratio" means big banks need to park 20 cents of every dollar they have on deposit, she said.李晶说当前的存款准备金率为20%,这意味着大型银行每一美元的储蓄就要在央行存入20美分。

10.Such a stimulus program coupled with a gradual appreciation of the renminbi would go a long way toward correcting the prevaipng imbalances.这样的经济刺激计划同人民币的逐渐升值一道能够在较长的时间内纠正一些主要的失衡。