


美式发音: [ˈɔrfiəs] 英式发音: [ˈɔ:fju:s]





n.1.in Greek mythology, a poet and musician, who descended to the underworld to seek his wife, Eurydice, after her death, but failed to bring her back

1.奥菲斯 行走的最好方式 The Best Way to Walk 奥费斯 Orpheus 诗人之血 The Blood of a Poet ...

5.奥路菲 珍妮 JUNE 1.奥路菲 Orpheus 3.魔铃 Marin ...

6.俄尔普斯)、欣钦布鲁克岛 (Hinchinbrook) 和奥费斯岛 (Orpheus)。


1.However, unluckily, Eurydice suddenly passed away, so Orpheus was very sad and he decided to get his wife back from the lower world.但不幸的是,欧律狄刻突然去世,悲痛异常的俄耳甫斯决到黄泉之国把妻子接回来。

2.While they were walking to the upper world, Orpheus became afraid that his wife was not behind him.当他们走向阳间,奥菲斯开始担心他的妻子没跟在他后头。

3.In my heart I had no doubts; I knew that Orpheus wouldn't miss a chance to claim his place in the annals of eternity.可我心里一点都不怀疑:我知道,俄耳甫斯是不会错过争取他在来世编年史中的地位的。

4.Orpheus devotes himself to his beautiful poetry, and he keeps himself sexually abstinent.俄耳甫斯致力于写优美的诗歌,在性方面保持节制。

5.If I could find the right turning point in the narrative, then maybe, pke Orpheus, I could bring the one I sought back from the dead.如果我能早点找到叙述关键的转折点,那就可能,像奥菲士,能够从死神手中寻回她。

6.For that reason, Orpheus does not play the big Mahler, Bruckner or Tchaikovsky symphonies.正式处于这个原因,奥菲斯从不演奏马勒、布鲁克纳或是柴可夫斯基等人的大型交响曲。

7.Orpheus is recognized internationally for it's excellence, regularly plays at Carnegie Hall, and has even won a Grammy Award.Orpheus乐团在国际上享有盛誉,他们定期在卡耐基音乐厅演出,甚至获得了格莱美奖。

8.Orpheus proves that size is less important than vigour, and its string section's lush, powerful sound bepes its small stature.奥菲斯室内乐团始终在证明乐团的生命力比规模重要。凭借弦乐组苍劲有力的合音,奥菲斯弥补了其结构上的单薄。

9.The Orpheus Process is designed to remove impediments to participation and thus tap the passion of each member.Orpheus流程设计的目的,就是要去掉参与上的障碍,让每个成员都充满热情。

10.Orpheus, with a sudden, calm smile, turned around. His fingers rested on the strings.俄耳甫斯,淡定地一笑,突然一个急转身,他的手指停留在了琴弦上。