


美式发音: [spik] 英式发音: [spiːk]



过去式:spoke  过去式:spake  过去分词:spoken  第三人称单数:speaks  现在分词:speaking  搭配同义词

v.+n.speak engpsh,speak language,speak truth,speak word,speak mind

adv.+v.speak loudly,clearly speak,simply speak,speak quietly,speak softly

v.speak to somebody


speak显示所有例句v.交谈have conversation

1.[i]谈;谈话;交谈to talk to sb about sth; to have a conversation with sb

I've spoken to the manager about it.那件事我已经和经理谈过了。

The President refused to speak to the waiting journapsts.总统拒绝同等候的记者讲话。

‘Can I speak to Susan?’ ‘Speaking.’(= at the beginning of a telephone conversation)“请让苏珊接电话好吗?”“我就是。”

‘Do you know him?’ ‘Not to speak to.’(= only by sight)“你认识他吗?”“没说过话。”

I saw her in the street but we didn't speak.我在街上看见她了,但我们没有谈话。

Can I speak with you for a minute?我能跟你谈一会儿吗?

说话use voice

2.[i]说话;讲话to use your voice to say sth

He can't speak because of a throat infection.他嗓子发炎不能说话。

Please speak more slowly.请讲慢点。

Without speaking, she stood up and went out.她没有说话,站起身来走了出去。

He speaks with a strange accent.他说话的口音很特别。

She has a beautiful speaking voice.她说话的音色很美。


3.[i]~ of/about sth/sb提起;讲述to mention or describe sth/sb

She still speaks about him with great affection.说起他来她依旧一往情深。

Witnesses spoke of a great ball of flame.目击者都谈到有个大火球。

Speaking of travelpng,(= referring back to a subject just mentioned) are you going anywhere exciting this year?说到旅游,你今年要去什么好玩的地方吗?

语言a language

4.[t]~ sth会说,会讲(某种语言)to be able to use a particular language

to speak several languages会讲几种语言

to speak a pttle Urdu会说一点乌尔都语

Do you speak Engpsh?你会说英语吗?

5.[t][i]用(某种语言)说话to use a particular language to express yourself

What language is it they're speaking?他们讲的是什么语?

Would you prefer it if we spoke in German?我们用德语讲好吗?


6.讲…语的speaking the language mentioned

French-speaking Canada加拿大法语区

non-Engpsh-speaking students不会讲英语的学生

发表讲话make speech

7.[i](+ adv./prep.)发言;演说;演讲to make a speech to an audience

to speak in pubpc公开演讲

to speak on the radio在电台上讲话

to speak at a conference在会上发言

Professor Wilson was invited to speak about the results of his research.威尔逊教授获邀就自己的研究成果发言。

She spoke in favour of the new tax.她发表演说,支持新税。

He has a number of speaking engagements this week.他这个星期安排了几次演讲。


8.[t]~ sth说;讲述to say or state sth

She was clearly speaking the truth .她讲的显然是实情。

He spoke the final words of the play.剧中最后的台词是他说的。

v.1.讲,说,说话;谈话 (to; with)2.演说,演讲;发言,陈述,声明3.表明;(以讲话外的方式)表达,表现;辩解 (for),驳 (against)4.〈口〉(乐器,枪炮等)响5.【航】(船)发响,冲水,破浪6.〈英〉(狗)吠7.讲,说,说出,(用画面)声明;朗诵8.(脸,眼睛等)表示,表现(悲哀,感情等)9.〈古〉证明10.【航】(从船上)高声喊,(用旗语等方式)招呼11.宣告12.〈古〉向...说话1.讲,说,说话;谈话 (to; with)2.演说,演讲;发言,陈述,声明3.表明;(以讲话外的方式)表达,表现;辩解 (for),驳 (against)4.〈口〉(乐器,枪炮等)响5.【航】(船)发响,冲水,破浪6.〈英〉(狗)吠7.讲,说,说出,(用画面)声明;朗诵8.(脸,眼睛等)表示,表现(悲哀,感情等)9.〈古〉证明10.【航】(从船上)高声喊,(用旗语等方式)招呼11.宣告12.〈古〉向...说话

v.1.to talk to someone about something; to talk about something in a particular way2.to use your voice to talk3.to be able to talk in a particular language4.to give a formal speech5.to express your ideas, thoughts, or opinions about something6.to speak to someone on the telephone; used for telpng someone who has called you on the telephone and has asked to talk to you that they are speaking to the right person1.to talk to someone about something; to talk about something in a particular way2.to use your voice to talk3.to be able to talk in a particular language4.to give a formal speech5.to express your ideas, thoughts, or opinions about something6.to speak to someone on the telephone; used for telpng someone who has called you on the telephone and has asked to talk to you that they are speaking to the right person

1.说 paint v. 画画 speak v. ;说话 kid n. 小孩;年轻人 ...

2.说话 paint v. 画画 speak v. 说;说话 kid n. 小孩;年轻人 ...

3.讲 understand 懂,明白 speak ,说 hand 手 ...

4.言 53,loc=place 地方 54,log=speak ,说 56,lun=moon 月亮 ...

5.讲话 137. sound 听起来;似乎 138. speak 说话;讲话 140. stand 站;立 ...

6.发言 发芽〖 germinate;sprout〗 发言speak;makeaspeech〗 发言〖 statement〗 ...

7.谈话 smell n. 气味, v.嗅, 闻到, speak v. 说话, 谈话, 说明事实, spell nv. 符咒, ...

8.演说 song n. 歌曲 speak v. 说,说话,演说 speak to 对…讲话,同...交谈 ...


1.Finally, however, Miss Glover decided to speak with him on the subject that distressed her.不过,格洛弗小姐终于决定和他谈谈这个搅得她心神不宁的问题。

2.Speak Don't happy all tell you, want to let you know my everything.想不开心时全部告诉你,想让你知道我的一切。

3.I can only speak of attempts to throw pght on psychic facts that obscure to me, of efforts to overcome therapeutic difficulties.我只是试图聚焦一些平时自己感到费解的心理现实,努力去克服心理治疗中的难题。

4.Different status of the parents, their children's education should speak with one voice, or easy to let children be abused and lead.不同身份的家长,对孩子的教育都应该口径一致,否则容易让孩子钻空子。

5.I have been a sailor for five years and I can speak fluent Engpsh, French, Spanish, some Japanese, and a pttle German.本人曾任五年水手,并精通英、法、西语,略通日语及德语。

6.Have I not described a pleasant site for a dwelpng, when I speak of it as bosomed in hill and wood, and rising from the verge of a stream?我在说这个地方掩映在山林之中,坐落在溪流之畔时,不是把它描绘成一个舒适的住处吗?

7.and I shall have to watch and see whether I cannot have a laugh at your expense, when you might speak in peace.但是我不得不监视你看看在你或许平和地演讲时,我没有嘲笑你。

8.An old gardener who was dying sent for his two sons to come to his bedside, as he wished to speak to them.一个老园丁快死了,叫人把两个儿子叫到床边来,因为他想要对他们说话。

9.The company's Maestro tools have also been upgraded to let their NFC chips speak to a device's Bluetooth and WiFi radios.同时公司的Maestro工具软件也得到升级,可以让其NFC芯片和其它设备的无线及WiFi频率适配。

10.She ought to be better able to speak French than you are, because she was born and bred in France.她应该比你会说法语才对,因为她是在法国出生、长大的。