


美式发音: [dɪˈmeɪn] 英式发音: [dɪ'meɪn]






1.(旧时)领主自留地产(in the past) land attached to a manor (= large house) that was kept by the owners for their own use

2.地区;地域a region or large area of land


n.1.in the past, a large house and the land that belonged to it

1.领地 nocturne 夜曲,梦幻曲,夜景画 demesne 领地,范围 dune 沙丘 ...

3.占有 neighbor1. 邻居,邻人 demesne1. (不动产)占有 appertain1. 属于;和…有关 ...

4.私有地 ... demeanor n. 行为, 风度; demesne n. 土地之所有, 领地, 私有地; demoption n. 破坏, 毁坏, 毁坏之遗迹; ...

5.领域 ... demeanor n. 行为;风度 demesne n. 领域;私有土地 demise n. 死亡 ...

6.庄园 庄严〖 solemn;dignified;stately〗 庄园demesne〗 庄院〖 abighouseinavillage〗 ...

7.土地之所有 土地的面积 acreage 土地之所有 demesne 土地的 agrarian ...

8.土地所有 demesmerize 脱离催眠 demesne 土地所有 Demeter 得墨忒耳 ...


1.Black turns experience demesne arrive as a child big, from arrive simply a few complex phase.乌私有化经历了从小到大、从简单到复杂的几个阶段。

2.Vulgar magic cast within a Demesne is considered to be covert, unless witnessed by one or more Sleepers .除非被一个或更多沉睡者亲眼目睹,否则在领地内施展的破则法术自动视为常态法术。

3.The turned process nature to also cause people demesne widespread attention of Russia, Eastern European country.俄罗斯、东欧国家的私有化进程自然也引起了人们的普遍关注。

4.Still have to sociapstic labour force demesne thecognizance of attribute, having important real sense.对社会主义劳动力仍然具有私有属性的认定,有着重要的现实意义。

5.Keats is referring to EPIC poetry when he mentions Homers proud demesne.当济慈提到荷马的骄傲的领域时,他指的是史诗。

6.domain, demesne, manor, property The Jones' estate was very large, and it included rolpng green hills and a large fish pond.琼斯家拥有大面积的地产,包括起伏的绿色山丘和一个大鱼池。

7.Reform of Russia property right is changing demesne serve as what undertake below dominant thought.俄罗斯产权改革是在私有化作为主导思想下进行的。

8.The tenants of the demesne enjoyed certain privileges.领地的占有者享有一定的特权。

9.State-owned company is changed demesne be in Russia is a popular topic.国有企业私有化在俄罗斯是一个热门话题。

10.Demesne: A place imbued with Supernal power by way of one or more soul stones.领地:通过一颗或多颗灵魂石灌注上界之力的区域。