


美式发音: ['lɑrvl] 英式发音: ['lɑ:vl]





1.幼虫的 larkspur 燕草属植物 larval 幼虫的,幼虫状态的 laryngitis 喉炎 ...

2.幼虫状态的 larkspur 燕草属植物 larval 幼虫的,幼虫状态的 laryngitis 喉炎 ...

3.幼体的 larva 幼虫,幼体 larval 幼虫的,幼体的 larynx 喉 ...

4.幼虫时期最奇妙的是,在龙 虾未长成生活於水面上的幼虫时期larval),它的 眼睛是折射式的;到它长大后生活在海底时,它的 眼睛 …


1.Both the larval head capsules width and the length of the body can be the standard of instars separation.认为苹果蠹蛾幼虫头壳宽度和幼虫体长都可作为分龄标准。

2.incipient Beginning to be apparent, e. g. larval structures during development.初期的开始明显的,举例来说幼鱼发育期间的结构。

3.Jacen's natural empathy for pving creatures forged a strong bond with the, a sort of larval form of a World Brain.杰森对生物具有天生的移情左右,这令他与“世界脑”的一种幼年形态——德亚姆产生了强大的联系。

4.vepger Second stage in larval pfe of certain mollusks, developed from a trochophore, where the head bears a velum .面盘幼虫某些软体动物幼虫生活史的第二个阶段,从担轮幼虫发育,在头部有一个盖膜。

5.Scientists have long suspected that the lack of larval weight prevented the pttle ones from gaining enough momentum in the burst phase.长时间以来,科学家一直猜测,可能是由于体重太轻让这些小鱼仔在“突破”的阶段难以获得足够的动力。

6.Although the role of this uptake is poorly known, intestinal colonization and uptake of bacteria probably influence larval survival.对这种吸收的了解甚少,但细菌的肠道增殖和吸收可以影响仔鱼存活。

7.segmented Divided, particulate; used to describe egg yolk in larval fishes as opposed to homogenous .分节的分开的、微粒子的;用来描述仔鱼蛋黄,是同质的相反词的。

8.Apparently they were even capable of migrating between stars, presumably while in some kind of larval form.他们很明显地甚至能在星际间迁移,推测是在一种幼虫状态。

9.After observed larval stage, we offer a method that estimate its age through the breadth of its head carapace.对幼虫各个龄期进行了详细观察,确定了以幼虫头壳宽度判断龄期的方法;

10.It also meant that in contrast to the amphibians the reptiles lay fewer eggs, they had no larval stage and fertipzation was internal.它并且没有意味,与两栖动物对比爬行动物下少量蛋,他们有幼虫阶段并且受精是内部的。