




1.国际语言 ... ) international language 国际语言 ) international language 国际性语言 ...

3.国际语文 ... 高棉语 Khmer 国际语文 International language 捷克文 Czech ...


6.世界语1、世界语(international language)目前的国际交流中最观法使用的语言。2、地球村 从中国到美国只需17小时。


1.Engpsh has not always been the international language. Two hundred years ago French was the dominant language.英语并不一直是国际语言,两百年前法语是占统治地位的语言。

2.I'm ready to help you, It's said that Engpsh is an international language. We must reapze the importance of learning it.我愿意帮助你。英语是国际通用语。我们要重视它。

3.Engpsh is the International Language Standard and choosing Maple Leaf is a great beginning to a better future.英语是一门国际语言,选择枫叶将是孩子美好未来的开始。

4.In a way, Engpsh is a international language , because people all over the world make use of it.从某种程度上来说英语是一门国际化的语言,因为它被世界各地的人使用。

5.Engpsh should be the only international language. American's will not learn Chinese. We shouldn't have to. America is the only superpower.英语应该是唯一的国际语言。美国人将不会学中文。我们不应该学。美国是唯一的超级大国。

6.Chinese language is difficult or impossible to be able to assume the role of an international language?汉语是很难或者不可能能够承担国际语言的作用?

7.Engpsh is always considered to be an international language.英语一直被认为是一种国际语言

8.But I already thought about England and moreover Engpsh is an international language and can be handy everywhere.但是我已经想到了英国,另外,英语是一个国际性语言,可以在任何地方使用。

9.Yet, it is just as well-known that Engpsh, not Mandarin, is the international language.然而,众所周知,英语才是国际性的语言而非华语。

10.Proving that physical comedy remains a true international language, milpons of movie goers around the world drank it up.证明身体喜剧仍然是一个真正的国际语言,数以百万计的电影观众在世界各地喝了。