



1.Note how much of the example is similar to the example in Listing 1.请关注一下下面的这个例子和清单1的例子的相似之处。

2.Note: The Autism Society of America sites autism in the United States as occurring in one out of every 150 births.注释:在美国自闭症协会的网站上发现,每出生150个新生儿中,就有1个例患有自闭症。

3.White House aides note that the January report came well before the depth of the economic crisis came into focus.白宫助手们说,1月份的报告是早在经济危机的严重程度成为焦点之前出炉的。

4.Note that this name is separate from the name used to identify the key in the key container specified in step 1.请注意,此名称不同于用来标识步骤1中指定的密钥容器中的密钥的名称。

5.On a more positive note, the U. S. Commerce Department reported a 1. 2% boost in factory orders in May, the biggest jump in nearly a year.美国商务部报告称,一条积极的消息,在5月份工厂订单提升了1.2%,这是近一年来最大的涨幅。

6.Note that the performance of 128-byte packets now approximates that of 1, 024-byte packets, presumably as the result of improved batching.注意,128字节数据包的性能现在与1,024字节数据包的性能大体相同,这可能是因为改进的批处理。

7.The only important thing to note being that the one minus small o which it here (1), can be equal too squared, which is very easy to prove.唯一要注意的重要的事情是,一减去这个小客体的零,在此这个「一」就等于是零的平方,要证明这一点是轻而易举。

8.Note how the definition in Listing 1 is expressed in terms of IT concepts, and uses verb phrases for both service and operations.请注意清单1中的定义是如何使用IT概念进行表述并同时为服务和操作使用动词短语的。

9.Note that the data types defined in Listing 1 are imported at the beginning of the WSDL document shown in Listing 2, below.请注意,清单1中定义的数据类型是在下面的清单2中所示的WSDL文档的开头导入的。

10.Note that this code is exppcitly using the BinaryFormatter class, yet the output in file xml. Txt, shown in Figure 1, is clearly XML.请注意,上述代码显式使用了BinaryFormatter类,而文件xml.txt中的输出(如图1所示)显然是XML。